Global history and history of empires - 2nd semester


The seminar aims to exemplify different analytical ways of proceeding in global and empirical history. To achieve this, we have selected several laboratories that are both thematic and methodological: comparative history, the issues of nationalism, colonialism and modernization. For each of these laboratories, we aim to develop a critical and vigilant reading experience. Thus, over about ten sessions will be possible to reflect on books considered classic or reference works of structuring authors. Finally, the seminar aims to be a forum for discussion and criticism of ideas that will allow us to lay the groundwork to be able to think historically about the processes of globalization, starting with the processes of empire building.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Diogo Ramada Curto


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Jack Goldstone, História global da ascensão do Ocidente 1500-1850 (Lisboa. Edições 70, 2010) Kenneth Pomeranz, A Grande Divergência- A China, a Europa e a Formação da Economia Mundial Moderna (Lisboa: Edições 70, 2013) Barrington Moore, As origens sociais da Ditadura e da Democracia: senhores e camponeses na construção do mundo moderno, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2010.(cap. sobre a Índia Britânica). Andrew Porter, O imperialismo europeu 1860-1914 (Lisboa: edições 70, 2011) Sebastian Conrad, \"Enlightenment in Global History: A Historiographical Critique\", The American Historical Review, vol. 117, n.º 4 (2012), pp. 999-1027 Karl Polany, A grande transformação: as origens políticas e económicas do nosso tempo (Lisboa: Edições 70, 2012) Benedict Anderson, Comunidades imaginadas: reflexões sobre a origem e a expansão do nacionalismo (Lisboa: Edições 70, 2012).

Teaching method

Evaluation method

Each student will be assessed on the basis of the marks obtained in two assessment elements: an individual written essay (60% of the final grade) and oral participation in seminar sessions (40% of the final grade). The written component involves the presentation of a text (50,000 to 60,000 characters, including spaces and footnotes) on a theme addressed by one of the books that made up the laboratory, underlining its analytical perspectives and trying to present it critically. Papers seeking to challenge the authors´ arguments regarding ongoing research projects are welcome.

Subject matter

Session 1: Introduction: Program Presentation
Session 2: Comparative History (1)
Session 3: Comparative History (2)
Session 4: Colonialism and Empire (1)
Session 5: Colonialism and Empire (2)
Session 7: Modernization Processes (1)
Session 8: Modernization Processes (2)
Session 9: Nation and Nationalisms
Session 10: Conclusions


Programs where the course is taught: