Global Health - 2nd semester


Enabling doctoral students to: -Understand, describe and analyze the Global Illness Burden, its evolution, the variations between regions of the world and between countries of different economic development level and its determinants; -Describing the globalization of the healthcare market: user mobility: medical tourism, cross-border healthcare, telemedicine; -Describe and analyze the globalization of the health labor market: mobility of health professionals and the role of new technologies. - Identify the main actors involved in health at international level: technical and financial agencies, NGOs, foundations / philanthropy, consultancy; describe their programs and modes of action, their funding, their governance and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. -Describe and analyze the role of new technologies and social networks in the future of global health, especially in the context of CPLP; - Evolution of global health interventions;

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Lapão (IHMT)


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Beaglehole R et al. (2010) What is global health, Global Health Action, 3: 5142 Bristol N (2014) Global Action towards Universal Health Coverage, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C. Kim JY et al. (2013) Redefining global health-care delivery, Health Policy, 20 Gushulak, BD et al. (2004) DW “Globalization of Infectious Diseases: The Impact of Migration”, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 38:1742–8. Jamison DT et al., (2013) Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation, The Lancet, Published Online, December 3 Lapão LV & Dussault G (2012) From Policy to Reality: Clinical managers’ views of the organizational challenges of primary care reform in Portugal, Int. Journ. Health Planning & Management, 27 (4): 295-307. Lapão LV et al. (2015) Ebola impact on african health systems entails a quest for more international and local resilience. The Pan African Medical Journal 22, 1-5. WHO (2015) WHO Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2

Teaching method

A combination of teaching methods will be used: Lectures and practical classes, combined with tutorials. Includes a General Introduction, Tutorial on sources of information, evidence, combined with presentations: individual preparation, support, presentation, communication, etc. A final synthesis. And support for individual essay.

Evaluation method

The evaluation combines continuous and a final: discussion and seminars during class (60% of the final grade); and Individual essay on a global health theme (40% of final grade).

Subject matter

- Introduction to Global Health - Presentation of the main sources of data and information in Global Health; methodology for preparing presentations and essays. - Health as a global problem Global Burden of Disease New Global Threats Globalization of Healthcare Health, impoverishment and economic development. The creation of WHO and other UN agencies in the global health sector Global Health, Universal Access and the potential of new technologies and social networks. Universal coverage and the post-2015 agenda. - Health: a market and a global dynamic Global Strategy for Human Resources for Health ” - New Global Health Challenges - Summary: The Future of Global Health


Programs where the course is taught: