History and Theory of Urbanism - 1st semester


a) Know the different forms of European city, the over time and space,
b) Understanding multidisciplinarity in the interpretation of the city,
c) Understanding the processes and mechanisms for (re) construction of contemporary urban space,
d) Develop spirit critically respond to current urban models,
e) Reflect on new sustainable forms of (re) making city,
f) Conduct research on different areas of the city

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno Pires Soares


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




BENÉVOLO, L. (2016), Histoire de la ville, Editions Parenthèses, Paris.
CHOAY, F. (2014) L´Urbanisme, utopies et réalités: Une anthologie, Essais, Paris
GOITIA, Fernando Chueca (1982), Breve História do Urbanismo. Lisboa: Presença: Martins Fontes.
LAMAS, J. (1992), Morfologia Urbana e Desenho da Cidade, Textos Universitários de CSH, FCG/ JNICT, Lisboa.
MORRIS, A.E.J.(2016, 14ª edição) Historia de la forma urbana Desde sus orígenes hasta la Revolución Industrial, Gustavo Gili
editor, Barcelona
MUMFORD, L. (1965), A Cidade na História: Suas Origens, Transformações e Perspectivas. vols. I e II. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia.
RAGON, M. (1991), Histoire mondiale de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme modernes, Tome 1, 2 et 3, Edition Point Essais Seuil,
ROSSI, A. (1982), La Arquitectura de la ciudad, editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona.
SICA, P. (1981), Historia del Urbanismo. El Siglo XX, Instituto de Estudios de Administración Local, Madrid.

Teaching method

The teaching methodology will be based in part on lectures with examples of systematic use of cities, through the projection of
images (vertical and oblique photographs) charts and maps. Texts will be made available as background material for discussion.
The classes take place mainly practical content outside the premises of the college, selected four representative areas in
different ways and times of \"city building\" which will be a field trip.

Evaluation method

The evaluation shall consist of the presentation of a research conducted by the student and the making of a written assessment
test (60% +40%).

Subject matter

1. What is urbanism;
2. The origins of the European city: “urbs” and “poly”;
3. Main forms (physical space / timeline and authors):
3.1 organic forms,
3.2 Classic forms,
3.3 Garden Form,
3.4 Modernist Form,
3.5 Form urban / rural,
3.6 Ways emerging;
4. The major challenges of the contemporary city in Europe;
5. What cities have built in Portugal in the last 100 years ?


Programs where the course is taught: