Geographic Computer Technology in Urban Planning - 1st semester


1 – To understand the role of Geographic Information Technologies in the Urban Planning;
2 – To contribute to increase the students’ knowledge on the principles, methods and techniques used in Urban Planning, by
means of Geographic Information Technologies;
3 – To conduct geographic information extraction from Remote Sensing images;
4 – To make spatial analysis in Geographic Information Systems;
5 – To understand modeling, simulation and visualization, as methods to create actual scenarios and future ones.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José António Tenedório


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




Batty, Michael – Cities and Complexity. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2005
Dodge, Martin; McDerby, Mary; Turner, Martin (eds.) – Geographic Visualization. Concepts, Tools and Applications. Chichester,
Wiley, 2008
Longley, Paul; Goodchild, Michael; Maguire, David; Rhind, David (eds.) - Geographical Information Systems: Principles,
Techniques, Management and Applications. New York, Wiley, 2005, 2ª. Edição
Rashed, Tarek; Jürgens, Carsten (eds.) – Remote Sensing of Urban and Suburban Areas. Dordrecht, Springer, 2010

Teaching method

1 - Theoretical and practical classes, focusing on: i) presentation to theoretical understand the principles, rationale and methods
used in Geographic Information Technologies, ii) designing projects in urban planning using Geographic Information
2 - Computational applications, centered on: i) handling software ii) development of a project.

Evaluation method

The evaluation includes:
a) Project (70%);
b) Oral Presentation and discussion of the project (10%);
c) Ongoing evaluation of class participation (20%).

Subject matter

1 – Introduction: i) technical concepts; ii) requirements of the land management legal instruments towards the geographic
information needed to execute the formal content in urban and land planning; iii) making information available in the internet:
geo-referenced digital transcription of the plans’ documental content; iv) Geographic Information Technologies potentials and
limitations for Urban Planning;
2 – Urban Remote Sensing: i) sensors and resolutions; ii) image classification and feature extraction; iii) post- classification; iv)
integration in Geographic Information Systems; v) performing image digital processing.
3 – Spatial analysis in Geographic Information Systems for Urban Planning: theory and practice.
4 – Geographical Modeling: i) introduction to complex systems; ii) cellular automata models; iii) multi-agent systems.
5 – 2D and 3D visualization in Urban Planning.


Programs where the course is taught: