Urban Policies - 2nd semester


1. To acquire an articulated vision of the factors that influence the dynamics of urbanity, urbanization and metropolization; in a
context of historical change;
2. To interpret analyses, processes and indicators that characterize the concepts of \"city\", \"urban\", \"urban policy\"; as well as of
\"citizenship\", \"participation\", \"governance\";
3. To understand the socio-political interactions between regional, urban and metropolitan systems with its internal and
surrounding territories;
4. To critically analyze cultures, dynamics and programmatic associated with urban production processes as well as with urban
policy production;
5. To identify political strategies for \"good urban / metropolitan governance\", as well as towards more socially inclusive and
more environmentally sustainable urban development;
6. To evaluate study cases of urban strategies, policies and programs, both national as well as European / international.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Carlos Ferreira de Seixas


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




Bagnasco, Arnaldo e Le Galès, Patrick (2000) Cities in contemporary Europe Cambridge University Press
Borja, Jordi (2004) La Ciudad Conquistada Alianza Ensayo, Madrid
Brenner, Neil (2004) Urban governance and the production of new state spaces in western Europe 1960-2000 in Review of
International Political Economy
Ferrão, João (2003) Intervir na cidade: complexidade, visão e rumo in Políticas Urbanas – Tendências, estratégias e
oportunidades FC Gulbenkian, Lisboa
Guerra, Isabel (2006) Participação e acção colectiva. Interesses, conflitos e consensos Principia, Cascais
Jouve, Bernard e Booth, Philip (2004) Démocraties Métropolitaines Presses de L’Université du Québec
Nel.lo, Oriol (2001) Ciutat de Ciutats Editorial Empúries, Barcelona
Seixas, João (2013) A Cidade na Encruzilhada Edições Afrontamento, Porto
Soja, Edward (2000) Postmetropolis – critical studies of cities and regions Blackwell Publishers, Oxford
Subirats, Joan (ed.) (2003) Elementos de nueva política CCCB, Barcelona

Teaching method

The course is organized in seminar classes and tutorials transmitting and discussing the topics included in the syllabus.
Reading and critical analysis in class Scientific Texts and Urban Policy Documents (40% of the evaluation)
Development and presentation of a group work (60% of the evaluation). Maximum 3 students per group. Each practical work will
be centered in an area chosen by the group. Parallel development of an essay on the territory and subject of group work. Each
work must apply the concepts and analysis learned in class. The presentation of the practical work will happen in the last three
weeks of the semester.
The various themes of the work will be analyzed and discussed with the students during the semester.

Evaluation method

Reading and critical analysis in class Scientific Texts and Urban Policy Documents (40% of the evaluation)
Development and presentation of a group work (60% of the evaluation)

Subject matter

a) Dynamics of urbanity and metropolization in contexts of sustainable development and both in developed and emerging
b) Inner and outer interactions of urban systems and metropolitan regions.
c) Social and political change dynamics associated with territorial exclusion and / or inclusion.
d) Strategies for good governance and for sustainable management in the various scales of urbanity: street, neighborhood, city,
metropolis, urban system, trans-global urban system.
e) Systematization of the works to be develop: basic research, applied research, direct intervention projects, professional
development projects): scientific foundations, objectives, methodologies, implementation.
f) Definition of methodologies and project planning.
g) Presentation and discussion of individual and collective projects.


Programs where the course is taught: