Environmental Planning - Greenways, Green Infrastructures and Urban Greenspaces


The subject as a discipline of territorial integration and synthesis aims at providing the student with the concepts, the
techniques, the methods and the strategies that articulate the human activities and the urban ecology, urban environment and landscape. It is grounded on the objective of providing the student with the ability to analyze and understand the dynamics, structure and functioning of the urban environment and landscape and urban ecology.
Finally, it aims to complete the training of future professionals in order to integrate and coordinate interdisciplinary teams that develop activities in the area of urbanism and spatial planning. These future professionals must lead the change towards more sustainable practices of urban planning.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Austin, G. (2014), Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning: Integrating Human and Natural Systems, Routledge, 1st eds,
Routledge, 272p.
Beatley, T. (2010), Biophilic Cities: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning, Island Press, 208p.
Benedict, M.; McMahon, E. (2006), Green Infrastructure: Linking Landscapes and Communities, Island Press, 320p.
Coutts, C (2016), Green Infrastructure and Public Health, Routledge, 326p.
Douglas,I.; Goode, D.; Houck, M.; Wang, R. (2015), The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology, Routledge, 688 p.
Mell, Ian (2012)-Global Green infrastructure, Routledge, London, 212p.
Mell, Ian (2012)-Green Infrastructure: concepts, perceptions and its use in planning, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, London,
Hough, M. (2004) Cities and Natural Process: A Basis for Sustainability,2nd eds, Routledge,308p.
McHARG, Ian L.(1969)-Design with Nature, Garden City N.Y. Published for the American Museum of Natural History [by] the
Natural History Press,New York.

Teaching method

The classes will provide the theoretical content and practice with the aim of guiding an individual or group research. The
practical lessons will be geared towards learning through analysis and discussion of various instruments.
The teaching method is oriented for the student to develop:
a) Individual and group capacity to develop and use a theory, methods and techniques to promote urban sustainability.
b) The ability of argumentation and reasoning consistent in addressing the studied topics.
The course will be supported by a complementary e-learning system.

Evaluation method

Evaluation based on:
a) Solving of practical exercises as a form of research;
b) Group Project;
c) Preparation of a scientific paper;
d) Attendance of classes and students´ performance during the semester.

Subject matter

• The Landscape Ecology and Urban Planning. Analysis of Urban Space.
• Urban Ecology and Environmental Planning. Biophysical Analysis of Urban Space (Theory, methodologies and techniques.
Definition of territorial carrying capacities, skills, capabilities and compatible uses. Urban climatology. Urban geomorphology.
• Morphology of the urban landscape - patterns of urban form and their impacts in the natural environment.
• Greenways, Green infrastructures and Urban Greenspaces.
• Greenways and Green infrastructures as sustainable urban structures. The Greenways networks and open spaces systems.
• Planning of green spaces. The benefits of green spaces. Concept of green plans. Examples.
• Afforestation and urban vegetation. Effects of afforestation and vegetation in urban space. The Urban Forest.
• Environmental and ecosystem restoration in urban areas.


Programs where the course is taught: