Economia Urbana e Cidades Competitivas - 2nd semester
To understand the rules that take to the creation and development of cities. To analyze the inter-urban framework in the regional system. To examine the socioeconomic aspects of the urban process . To study the use of urban land. To evaluate the urban public economy in Portugal.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Afonso Teixeira
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
LOPES, E. (2009).O Papel das Cidades no Desenvolvimento de Portugal, SAER, Lisboa
MARTIN, R.; KITSON, M.; TYLER, P. (2011). Regional Competitiveness an Elusive yet Key Concept?, Routledge, London.
SASSEN, S. (2001), The Global City, Sage Publ. Company.
SIMÕES LOPES, A.& PEDRO PONTES, J. (2009). Introdução à Economia Urbana, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa,
STORPER, M. (2013). Keys to the City. How Economics, Institutions, Social Interaction and Politics Shape Development,
Princeton University Press.
Teaching method
Text surveys.
Case studies.
Exercises in classroom.
Individual and group works
Evaluation method
Subject matter
1. Creation and development of cities.
2. Urbanisation economies.
3. Urban rent and urban rent patterns.
4. Zoning and growth controls.
5. Urban competitiveness.
6. Urban competitiveness tools.
7. Case studies.