Ar, Ruído, Energia e Carbono na Cidade Sustentável (not translated)
The main objectives of this course is to teach a group of concepts and information that enable the student to identify and submit mitigation measures that should be implemented in key-areas such as air quality, noise, energy ,and climate change. These are relevant questions in urban areas, where health and environment effects are particularly important in cities. Therefore, it is crucial to understand them individually and within the relationship between them in order to get an overall benefit of mitigation measures that may be applied (such as in the case of road traffic).
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
- Vallero, D.A., 2014. Fundamentals of Air Pollution, 5th edition, Elsevier Inc., San Diego.
- Henry, J.G. and G.W. Heinke, 1996. Environmental Science & Engineering, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
- Peter, R.J., B.J. Smith and M. Hollins, 2011. Acoustics and noise control, Third edition, Routledge, London and New York.
- Harriet Bulkeley, Michelle Betsill, 2015. Cities and Climate Change (Routledge Studies in Physical Geography and Environment)
1st Edition, (June 15, 2005), London and New York.
- IEA, 2013. A Tale of Renewed Cities, A policy guide on how to transform cities by improving energy efficiency in urban transport
systems. International Energy Agency, OECD. Paris.
Teaching method
Classes with a theoretical component, complemented with case-studies and practical exercises.
Evaluation method
Three small tests for each of the areas within the course and one individual work connecting the different areas.
Use of interactive resources such as moodle with the use of the forum and other internet materials.
Subject matter
Main definitions concerning air pollution and air quality. Pollutants, emissions, and characterization of air quality in urban areas.
Effects on health. Existing legislation in air quality. Monitoring networks, forecast, and air quality index.
Main definitions concerning noise. Health effects. Noise maps. Sensitive and mixed zones definition. Mitigation measures.
Fundamental concepts on climate change, carbon cycle and carbon economy. Emissions of greenhouse gases: trends,
estimation methods and mitigation options. Concept on adaptation, and measures with emphasis on components relevant for urban areas.
Energy, urban areas and the built environment. The city as energy producer and consumer. The energy matrix of urban areas. EU and national energy strategies and policies with special focus on urban areas. Guidelines for action.