Projecto em Urbanismo Sustentável e em Ordenamento do Território - 1st semester


This course aims to foster innovation and to apply knowledge.It starts with an inspiring study visit to Barcelona in order to study
and analyze successful innovative projects in urban sustainability.Then, the course focus on the development of a project by the
students involving the consolidation and integration of knowledge already acquired in other disciplines of the Course.
The project on Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning, will be developed using an urban area, allowing exercise strategies
for project-docking between the local scale (neighborhood) and the scale of the city (urban area consisting of various tissues).
It usually has the support from the municipality where the project takes place. For ex, in 2016-2017 there is a close cooperation
with the Municipality of Almada.
It aims to end the training of future professionals in order to integrate and coordinate interdisciplinary project teams that develop
activities in the area of urbanism and spatial planning.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno Pires Soares


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




ALFAIATE, T, 2000, Expressão dos valores do Sítio da Paisagem, Dissertação de Doutoramento ISA, UTL, Lisboa
BENEVOLO, Leonardo: La proyectacion de la ciudad moderna. (Leonardo Benevolo, Carlo Melograni, Tommaso Giura Longo).
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 1978.
RIER, 2003, Landscape Urbanism, a Manual for the Machinic Landscape, Ed Mohsen Mostafavi and Ciro Naijle,AA publications,
LINCH , K. 1981. A Boa Forma da Cidade, ed. 70, Lisboa.
NORBERG –SCHULZ , C. 1975, Existencia, Espacio, y Arquitectura , Editorial blume, Barcelona
PANARAI,P., DEPAULE, J., DEMORGON M., 1999. Analyse Urbaine, Ed. Parenthèses, Marseille
KRIER, L. 1984. Houses, Palaces and Cities, Ed. Demetri Porphyrios, USA.
TÁVORA, F. [1962],1999. Da organização do espaço, Faup, Porto.
TRANSIK,R. 1986. Finding lost space, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

Teaching method

The course work in studio allowing for close monitoring of students. The evaluation will take into consideration the participation
of each student throughout the semester. The semester ends with the project presentation and discussion.

Evaluation method

The semester ends with the project presentation and discussion.

Subject matter

Elaboration of a project in sustainable urbanism and spatial planning for an urban area with the following components:
a) Develop a comprehensive proposal.
b) Development of detailed proposals and projects under the comprehensive proposal submitted.
1. Basic concepts in the approach of the Project on sustainable urbanism and spatial planning;
2. Project in on sustainable urbanism and spatial planning;
3. Fundamentals, methods and techniques for developing of the project on sustainable urbanism and spatial planning;
4 Proposal project on sustainable urbanism and spatial planning;
The syllabus of this course will be proposed and developed by teachers who closely monitor the student´s project work.


Programs where the course is taught: