Gestão Urbanística Sustentável - 1st semester


The discipline of Sustainable Urban Management aims at offering advanced education in the organization, in the tools and technologies that are the most appropriate for the urban management through orientations of sustainability that promote the efficiency, transparency and the implementation of the objectives in a rational management of human, natural and financial resources in order to offer a more sustainable future to our cities.
In view of the rapid alterations at a social, technological and political level that have occurred up to now it is very important to stimulate the teaching of new ways of government, of different models of government and methods of management that are directed to a new and emerging culture of the public administration that is more participative, transparent and efficient and that respects the principles of sustainability.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Margarida Pereira


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




Alexander, E. (1998). \"Planning and Implementation: Coordinative Planning in Practice.\" International Planning Studies, vol. 3 (3):303-320.
Campos, V. et al. (2012) “A programação estratégica e operacional na nova geração de Planos Directores Municipais”, Encontro Anual da Ad Urbem 2012
Carvalho, J. (2012) Dos Planos à Execução Urbanística, Coimbra: Almedina.
Condessa, B. e al. (2013) “A Perequação nos Planos de Pormenor: da Prática Nacional às Propostas de Melhoria de Aplicação”, Évora, CGP.
Correia, P. (1993) Políticas de Solos no Planeamento Municipal, Lisboa: FCG
DGOTDU (2002) O sistema de execução de planos e a perequação. Comunicações, comentários e conclusões. Lisboa: MCOTA/ DGOTDU
Farthing, Stuart M. (2001). \"Local Land Use Plans and the Implementation of New Urban Development.\" European Planning Studies vol.9 (2): 223-242
Pais, C. (2010) Execução urbanística: referencial teórico/operativo. Dissertação de Mestrado em Planeamento Regional e Urbano, Universidade de Aveiro.

Teaching method

The teaching methodologies contemplate: the lecturing of the professor, the realization of work and the discussion in groups.
The teaching methodologies comprise the exposition of components of theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical education that include the concepts, principles and global orientations up to the phase of concretization and practice. A set of practical components will be obtained that are based on the respective theoretical, technical or judicial orientations according to the cases and taught by the means of differentiated teaching methodologies.

Evaluation method

The evaluation will be based on two components: works (two) (20%+20%) and final evaluation (60%).

Subject matter

INTRODUCTION. Concept of urban management. Compliance management and proactive management. Sustainable urban management. Sharing of responsibilities between public and private entities in the implementation of the plan. Instruments. Scales and skills. Models of urban management.
BASIC INFORMATION FOR URBAN MANAGEMENT. Plans in force and in progress. Soil uses and conditioning. Municipal and urban regulations. Registration of property and infrastructure. Indicators of sustainability, monitoring and evaluation. Reports on the State of Spatial Planning.
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLANS: PRACTICES AND CHALLENGES. Operations and urban agents. Instruments and systems for implementing plans. Perceived urban management. Programming of urban operations: economic and financial sustainability. Management of the (re) equipment processes of the city and the public space.
SOIL POLICY. Land management and land policy.


Programs where the course is taught: