Redes e Sistemas Urbanos na Cidade Sustentável
Classes will provide the fundamental concepts about:
- the urban water cycle: technical and institutional solutions for the management of water uses within
the urban areas; challenges and trends in good practices.
- the theoretical basic concepts and the design concepts of water and wastewater treatment oriented to
the technologies that may lead to more sustainable systems, including the systems focused on reusing
(rainwater collection, waste water separation, etc.).
- the management systems and policies oriented to the prevention and adding value to the waste which
is produced within the urban environment and in the construction and demolition activities (RCD).
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
-Martinho, M.G. (Coord.). Manual Prático para a Gestão de Resíduos. Verlag Dashöfer Portugal - Edições Profissionais.
-Martinho,M.G.; Gonçalves,M.G.; Silveira, A. (2010) - Gestão de Resíduos. Universidade Aberta.
-Tchobanoglous,G.; Kreith,F. (2002). Handbook of Solid Waste Management. Second Edition. Mc Graw-Hill International Edition.
-Metcalf & Eddy Inc, (2003) Wastewater Engineering: Treatment-Disposal-Reuse, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions,
New York.
-QASIM, Syed R. Wastewater treatment plants : planning, design, and operation / Syed R. Qasim ,2nd ed , CRC Press, cop. 1999
-Winblad, U., and Hébert. 2004 & 1998. Ecological Sanitation.Stockholm Environmental Institute. Stockholm
Teaching method
The classes will provide the theoretical content and practice with the aim of guiding an individual or group research. The
practical lessons will be geared towards learning through analysis and discussion of various instruments.
Evaluation method
The assessment will be made using the realization of mini-tests for each module and participation in discussion forums.
Subject matter
New visions for the urban water cycle.
- Water sustainable use in urban areas.
- The pipeline systems efficiency and water distribution.
- Prevention and control of floods in urban areas.
- Waste water system. Introduction to systems and treatment. Basics.
- New threats associated with chemical compounds such as endocrine disruptors.
- Innovative Systems. New paradigms. Centralized versus decentralized systems.
- National policy and community legislation on waste management.
- Prevention and recovery of waste.
- Systems for waste collection and public cleansing.
- Legislation applicable to the RCD and to the reuse and recycling.
- The problem of treatment infrastructure location.
- The importance and the challenge of urban sanitation infrastructures.
- Components of domestic sewage and rainwater systems.
- Flooding in urban areas: planning, solutions and challenges.
- Management tools for sanitation infrastructures.