Lógicas Imobiliárias e Produção de Espaço Urbano


a) To help to enhance the students´ knowledge of the real estate market;
b) To provide students with methods of analysis of real estate market;
c) To prepare students to use and develop studies on the real estate market;
d) To understand the role of planning and real estate agents in the recent evolution of urban centers;
e) To discuss the impact of new urban paradigms in planning and real estate activity;
f) To know the main stages of the real estate development process;
g) To provide some analytical tools to understand the development of the real estate market;
h) To analyse recent developments in the Portuguese real estate market;
i) To build bridges between the real estate activity and the territorial planning.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





AECOPS, (2009). O Mercado da Reabilitação, Enquadramento, Relevância e Perspectivas. Lisboa: AECOPS, 209p.
Correia, P. V. D. (1993). Políticas de Solos no Planeamento Municipal. Lisboa: FCG.
Gonçalves, C. (2009). Expansão urbana e mercado imobiliário: a cidade das Caldas da Rainha como laboratório. Lisboa:
Faculdade de Letras.
Henriques, J. (2015). As Dinâmicas do Mercado Imobiliário e os Impactos Territoriais. Lisboa: Chiado Editora.
Quental e Melo, I. (2009). O Mercado de Arrendamento. Principais Oportunidades e Fragilidades face ao Mercado de Habitação
Própria. Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico.
Ratcliffe, J.; Stubbs, M. & Keeping, M. (2009). Urban Planning and Real Estate Development. Routledge.
Rodrigues, L. (2011). Manual de Crimes Urbanísticos.Lisboa: Guerra e Paz, S.A.
Santos, A.C.; Teles, N.; Serra, N. (2014). Finança e habitação em Portugal. Cadernos do Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas,
nº2, 59p.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical classes: extensive explanation of program topics; analysis and discussion of textbooks´ chapters and
papers. Case studies: interventions and critical analysis of the solutions.

Evaluation method

1) Written test about a set of selected texts [45%].
2) Theoretical and practical work (about 20 pages.), with oral presentation [40%+10%].
3) Presence in the classes and participation [5%].
[Note: the proposed evaluation elements introduced to students in the first class may suffer readjustments, namely in the weight
of each element].

Subject matter

1. 1. Urban Planning and Property Markets
1.1. Revisiting the key concepts
1.2. Urban expansion as the engine of the real estate market
1.3. Urban planning and the real estate market regulation
2. Real Estate Development and Urban Space Structuring: Context and Paradigms
2.1. Urban land use and land value theories
2.2. Neoliberalism, globalization and real estate markets
2.3. Urban regeneration, sustainability and resilience
3. The Real Estate Development Process and the the Positioning of Agents
3.1. The phases of real estate development process
3.2. Real estate market relations with the financial sector
3.3. Relations between public authorities and real estate market
4. Analysis of different segments of the real estate market in Portugal
4.1. Housing market
4.2. Retailing and office markets
4.3. A segmented market, a divided city?
5. Territory and real estate market: impacts and consequences in specific territorial contexts.


Programs where the course is taught: