Cidade, Urbanidade e Território - 1st semester


a) Thorough understanding of the social dynamics of production and differentiation of the territories, landscapes, environment
and urban environment in a context of globalization, and relations between them;
b) Thorough knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of social production, management and experience urban and
metropolitan areas, the tensions between local and global;
c) Ability to analyze and investigate the urban and metropolitan phenomena in the context of urban sustainability and mobility;
d) Ability to communicate clearly the theories, concepts and research results in the subject field of curricular unit.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Vicente Baptista


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




Adey, P., Bissell, D., Hannam, K., Merriman, P. and Sheller, M. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities, London, Routledge,
Bonnet, Michel e P. Aubertel, La ville aux limites de la mobilité, Paris,PUF,2006
Bourdin, Alain, La Métropole des Individus, La Tour d’ Aigues, Éditions de l’Aube, 2005
Brenner, Neil e R. Keil (ed.), The Global Cities, Reader, London / N.Y., Routledge, 2006
Brenner, Neil e R. Keil, « From Global Cities to globalized urbanization » in Glocalism : Journal of Culture,Politicas and
Innovation, 2014,3 DOI :10.12893/gjcpi.2014.3.3
Chamboredon, Jean-Claude, “Nouvelles formes de l’opposition ville-campagne” in Histoire de la France Urbaine, vol.5,Paris,
Seuil, 1985 : 556-573
LeGates, Richard, F. Stout (ed.), The City Reader, Routledge, Londres/N.I., 6th edition, 2015
Hanningan, John, Fantasy City. Pleasure and profit in the postmodern metropolis, London, Routledge, 2000
Martinotti, Guido, The New Social Morphology of Cities, Paris, UNESCO, MOST D.P.S.(16), 1996

Teaching method

Lectures by the teacher;
Presentation and discussion of texts by students of literature and theoretical research and progress reports of its work testing or
research project;
Follow the tutorial for each student preparing an essay or a research project on a relevant topic.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment of participation in class discussions and presentations (20%);
Presentation of the draft in class essay or research plan (10%);
A bibliographic essay or a research plan (C.15 pgs.) On a relevant topic, to be agreed with the teacher (70%).

Subject matter

Starting from the main discussions conducted in this field, discuss and empirically operationalize the concepts:
1. The clash between urban and rural. The relationship between city and countryside
2. The notion of territory and sustainable city. The boundary question.
3. Definitions of community. Traditional order and defense
4. The notion of local, the concept of region and the problems of scale
5. The notion of social environment. The urban environment and possibilities for analyzing the sustainability
6. City, mobility and entertainment economy


Programs where the course is taught: