Body Practices and Representations - 2nd semester


By the end of the course, students are expected to:a) understand the specificity of reflection on corporeality and its capture by modern technical devices and on the configuration of the subject applied in the realm of women´s studies and gender;b) have acquired the ability to apply their knowledge about corporeality, its technological capture and resubjectivation processes to solving problems in unfamiliar situations, in expanded multidisciplinary contexts; c) have acquired the ability to integrate knowledge, deal with complex issues, design solutions and utter critical judgements in situations of limited information regarding corporeality, its technological capture and to the subject reconfiguration;d) have acquired the ability to communicate their conclusions and the reasonings underlying them both to experts and non-experts in a clear and unambiguous manner;e) have acquired lifelong learning skills in a selfdriven and autonomous manner.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Augusta Babo, Maria Lucília Marcos


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Agamben, G. (2002). L’ouvert – de l’homme et de l’animal. Paris: Bibliothèque Rivages Agamben, G.(1998). O poder soberano e a vida nua. Homo sacer. Lisboa: Presença Anzieu, D. (1983). Le Moi-peau. Paris: Dunod Bourdieu, P. (1999). A Dominação Masculina.Oeiras:Celta Crary, J. e Kwinter, S., orgs. (1995). Incorporations. N.York: Zone Elias, N. (1989/1990). O processo civilizacional, I e II. Lisboa: D.Quixote Feher, M., org. (1990). Fragments for a History of the Human Body.N.York, Zone Foucault, M. (1984). Vigiar e punir.Petrópolis:Vozes Foucault, M. (1977). A vontade de saber. Lisboa:Ed. A. Ramos Freud, S. (2002). O mal-estar na civilização. R. Janeiro.Imago Macedo, A. G. org. (2002). Género, Identidade e Desejo – Antologia Crítica do Feminismo Contemporâneo. Lisboa:Cotovia McAfee, N. (2004). “Women’s Time”, in: Julia Kristeva.N.York:Routledge Merleau-Ponty, M. (1945). Phénoménologie de la perception.Paris:Gallimard Schaeffer, J.-M. (2007). La fin de l’exception humaine.Paris:Gallimar

Teaching method

Seminar. The teaching methodologies consist of theoretical lecture of the syllabus contents by means of oral and powerpint presentation (50%), and in the presentation, analysis and discussion of case studies and practical examples with audiovisual and digital support (25%) and the analysis and discussion of student´s research projects (25%).

Evaluation method

The oral presentation and discussion, in class, of the research project (25%), and the research project´s final written essay (75%) will be the object of evaluation.

Subject matter

1. Corporeality and subject devices configuration 1.1 The body in contemporary society1.2 The body as a place of affection1.3 Body and technic 2. The body and the civilizing process: from Sigmund Freud to Norbert Elias 2.2 The capture of the body by the device: Michel Foucault2.3 Biopolitics: from Michel Foucault to Giorgio Agamben.