Feminist Theory and Literary Experience - 1st semester


1. To acquire the ability to analyse the way in which the literary experience of women, as authors, translators, critics and editors, has contributed towards the establishing of Feminist Theory; 2. To acquire knowledge regarding the debates which are currently taking place in this new field of knowledge, and learn how to differentiate the different paradigms involved and the concepts linked to them: sex/gender; identity/identities (race, social class and sexuality); 3. Acquire knowledge of some of the key texts within feminist literary criticism as well as the main controversies underlying these; 4. Acquire the ability to produce a research paper based on one of the themes covered, using a specialised bibliography and dealing with concepts from within Feminist Studies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Paiva Morais, Fernando Cascais


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Ditsch, L., & Hawkesworth, M. (Eds.). (2016). The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Goodman, L., & Hawkesworth, M. (Eds). (2019). The Bloomsbury Handbook of 21st Feminist Theory. London, New York, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury. --- (Eds.). (2015). Literature and the Development of Feminist Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. MacCan, C., & Seung-kyung, K. (eds.). (2003). Feminist Local and Global Theory Perspectives Reader. New York, London: Routledge. Mohanty, C. T. (2003). Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. Duke University Press. Rooney, E. (ed.). (2006). The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Literary Theory. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.

Teaching method

Presentations on different aspects of the programme. Discussion of papers presented. Tutorial guidance, focused on preparing and carrying out a research paper.

Evaluation method

Evaluation of knowledge implies being present for 2/3 of the sessions held as well as the submission of a research paper which should show knowledge of the issues covered as well as the ability to deal in a critical manner with the concepts covered in the course.

Subject matter

1. Analysis of certain concepts from the Theory of Literature, with special emphasis on the question of the canon. 2. The literary establishment and women: diagnosis of a problematic relationship: 2.1. The history of Portuguese literature and the silencing of its female authors: The study of some paradigmatic cases: the Marchioness of Alorna, Graça Pina de Morais and Natália Nunes. 3. Analysis of some fundamental concepts in Feminist Theory, with particular attention to the work of Rosi Braidotti, Helène Cixous, Françoise Collin, bell hooks, Luce Irigaray and Monica Wittig. 4. Essentialism and constructionism: the issue of “écriture feminine”. 5. Analysis of the main concepts within Queer Theory, paying particular attention to the contributions made by M. Foucault, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Judith Butler. 6. Black feminisms. Throughout the course, there will be a reading of “Orlando” and “A Room of One´s Own” by V. Woolf.