Crítica Literária: Cultura e História (not translated)
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bachelor degree or equivalent
- Stefano LAZZARIN e Mariella COLIN. 2007. La critique littéraire du XXe siècle en France et en Italie. Presses Universitaires de Caen.
- Tzvetan TODOROV. 2007. La littérature en péril. Paris: Flammarion.
- Amor SÉOUD. 1997. Pour une didactique de la littérature. Paris: Hatier-Didier.
- Eduardo Prado COELHO. 1982. Os universos da crítica. Lisboa: Edições 70.
- Anthony EASTHOPE. 1991. Literary into cultural studies. London and New York: Routledge.
- Pierre Bourdieu. 1992. Les règles de l´art, Génèse et structure du champ littéraire. Paris: Seuil.
Teaching method
Seminars: 60%; lectures: 40%.
1. seminars on topics of the syllabus focusing specifically on historic and theoretic issues; students will be introduced to methods of efficient organization of information and development of critical skills as well as to methods for management of research resources; reading critical studies and literary bibliography aims to provide students with significant scientific autonomy and the capacity to evaluate their learning progress; 2. supervised practical analysis of critical and literary texts chosen in the perspective of the course and relevant for their study and discussion with the group ;
3. Preparing students to produce an essay on a topic of the syllabus.
Evaluation method
Students are required to submit the following pieces of assessment:
1. Two classroom assignments - oral presentations;
2. A individual essay to be discussed oraly with the group (15 pages).
Subject matter