Preparation of a dissertation - 2nd semester
1. To develop the capacities of conception, synthesis and analysis required to the subsequent production of a dissertation.
2. To promote the linguistic and methodological skills required to produce a scholarly piece of work.
3. To research an original, pertinent theme.
4. To learn to organise ideas and present findings clearly and precisely
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Paiva Morais
Weekly - 1,5 letivas + 0,5 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
A selecção de bibliografia dependerá dos projectos de cada mestrando.
Teaching method
Supervision by a member of academic staff and assessment by both the supervisor and another scholar not necessarily from the same institution.
Evaluation method
Subject matter
The Semester 2 Dissertation Report (5 ECTS) is meant to prepare an extended scholarly essay of approximately 6,000 words, reviewing the critical material available and outlining a first approach to the research topic to be addressed in the Masters Dissertation. It will be submitted by 20th June, and will be supervised by a member of academic staff and assessed by both the supervisor and another member of the academic staff (not necessarily from the same institution).