Portuguese America: Interactions and conflicts (1500-1822) - 1st semester


-Know the history of Portuguese America in the context of the Portuguese Empire.
-Understand the process of colonization in this region, also emphasizing the role played by Amerindians and Africans in this context.
-Know the practices of economic exploitation that developed in this Colony, and its consequences for Europe, the kingdom and Portuguese America.
-Enable the understanding of the specificities and the elaboration of analyses about the society in Portuguese America.
-Know the structure and the political and administrative organization of the Colony.
-Understand the dimension of religion in the colonizing process of America.
-Know the territorial disputes between the Portuguese Empire and other European powers.
-Learn about the changes that led to decolonization in the early nineteenth century

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Roberta Giannubilo Stumpf


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




ALENCASTRO, Luiz Felipe de, O Trato dos Viventes. Formação do Brasil no Atlântico Sul, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2001.

ALMEIDA, Maria Regina Celestino de, Os índios na História do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro FGV, 2010.

BETHENCOURT, Francisco e CHAUDHURI, Kirti (dir), História da Expansão Portuguesa, Volume 2, Lisboa, Círculo dos Leitores, 1998.

FRAGOSO, João; BICALHO, Maria Fernanda, GOUVÊA, Maria de Fátima (orgs), O Antigo Regime nos Trópicos. A Dinâmica imperial portuguesa, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2001.

SCHWARTZ, Stuart B., Segredos Internos. Engenhos e escravos na sociedade colonial, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1988. 1ºedição 1985

SLEMIAN, Andréa; PIMENTA, João Paulo G., O nascimento político do Brasil, as origens do Estado e da Nação (1808-1825), Rio de Janeiro, DP&A, 2003.

SOUZA, Laura de Mello e, O sol e a sombra. Política e administração na América portuguesa, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2006

Teaching method

Throughout the semester students will have access to videos in which the teacher presents the syllabus as well as to historiographical texts (of different currents) of compulsory reading and other optional texts. Four activities are suggested that require the analysis of the texts available on the platform, of which students must deliver at least two. Themes are suggested to be developed in the final work, the execution of which is monitored by the teacher. Participation in forums, previously scheduled, held through the Colibri platform, or similar, is required.

Evaluation method

50% - Two activities must be submitted (reading forms, analysis of texts provided, interpretation of primary sources, participation in forums and/or critical reviews).
50% Final written work

Subject matter

-The \"pre-colonial\" Brazil. The discovery of Brazil and its insertion in the Portuguese empire. Interaction and conflict between\"reinóis\" and Amerindians. The exploitation of pau-brasil, the indigenous slavery, the mission and the villages. The first forms of administration of the territory.
-Sugar culture and African slavery. The slave trade and the imperial dynamics. Local elites and spaces of political and social representation. Brazil in the context of the Iberian Union.
-Crisis in the sugar economy. The discovery of gold and diamonds. The social specificities of the inland captaincies. The gold in the American and imperial economy.
-Brazil in the pombaline era. The gold crisis. Uprisings and rebellions in the Americas. Social and political identities in the Iberian overseas space.
-The Portuguese court in Rio de Janeiro. The \"political birth\" of Brazil. The independence of Brazil.
-Interaction between teachers and students for the elaboration of the final work.


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