The Indian Ocean. Societies, Commerce and War - 2nd semester
To understand the India Oceans general framework, stretching from the Cape of Good Hope to Southeast Asia, namely its political, economic and social diversity.
To link correctly the different strategies of penetration, adaptation and settlement adopted by the Portuguese with the Asian contexts, between the 16th and 18th centuries.
To assimilate the most relevant dynamics of the Portuguese Empire in Asia the Estado da Índia in their social, economic and military/naval aspects.
To identify and characterize the fundamental lines and stages of the Portuguese presence formal and informal in Maritime Asia, including the responses given to both Asian and European challenges.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Costa, J. P. O & Rodrigues, V. L. G. (1992). Portugal y Oriente: el Proyecto Indiano del Rey Juan. Madrid: Ed. MAPFRE.
Das Gupta, A., & Pearson, M. N. (1987). India and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800. Oxford University Press.
Disney, A. (2009). A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire, vol. II, The Portuguese Empire. Cambridge University Press, 119-203.
Thomaz, L. F. F. R. (1994). Estrutura política e administrativa do Estado da Índia no século XVI. In Luís Filipe F. R. Thomaz, De Ceuta a Timor. Lisboa: Difel, 207-243.
Subrahmanyam, S. (2012). The Portuguese empire in Asia, 1500-1700 : a political and economic history (2ª ed.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Subrahmanyam, S. & Thomaz, L. F. F. R. (1991). Evolution of Empire: The Portuguese in the Indian Ocean during the Sixteenth Century. In James D. Tracy (ed.), The Political Economy of Merchant Empires. Cambridge University Press, 298-331.
Winius, G. (1983). The Shadow Empire of Goa in the Bay of Bengal. Itinerario, 7, 83-101.
Teaching method
Teaching is given in asynchronous e-learning, using the Moodle platform, in which multimedia resources and various support materials are available, as well as selected, general and specific bibliography. The use of a forum for permanent monitoring of the subjects taught and for collaborative learning is essential.
Evaluation method
The evaluation will consist of 3 distinct elements, with different value: a written essay (50%), a review or comment (25%) and continuous participation in the forum (25%).
Subject matter
1. Asia, India and East.
2. Maritime Asia at the turning of the 16th century: political fragmentation, mercantile networks and communities.
3. The formation of Portuguese Estado da Índia: from Mozambique to Melaka and beyond.
4. To trade whenever possible, to make war whenever necessary; Portuguese strategies of penetration in the Indian Ocean.
5. King Manuels messianism and King John IIIs realism.
6. Crisis, Reform and Regeneration; the European competition and the World War I.
7. Sunset and survival of the Empire.
8. Formal and informal Portuguese presences; Estado da Índia and shadow-empire.