Problemáticas da Tradução Literária


General characterization





Responsible teacher

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Teaching language





Baker, M., In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation, Routledge,2011
Bassnett, S. & Lefevere, A. (ed.), Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters,1998
Boase-Beir, J. & Michael H. (eds.),The Practices of Literary Translation, St. Jerome,1999.
DeLille, K., & all.,Problemas da Tradução Literária, Coimbra, Livraria Almedina,1986
Holmes, J., Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies, Rodopi,1988
Nord, C., Translating as a purposeful activity: functionalist approaches explained, Manchester: St. Jerome,2001
Rose, M. G. (ed.), Translation Spectrum: Essays in Theory and Practice. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, Sobre os diferentes métodos de traduzir, Porto: Porto Editora,2003
Toury, G. (ed.), Translation Across Cultures, New Delhi: Bahri Publications,1998
Wechsler, R. (ed.), Performing without a Stage:The Art of Literary Translation, Catbird Press,1998

Teaching method

Students will be asked to do critical readings of theoretical works about literary translation.Practice of
translation of different types of literary texts will be asked.Analysis of the translation process in its different
stages will make part of the methodology. Identification of the problems posed by different kinds of literary
texts will be analyzed.Comparative and critical analysis of translations will be made in class.Assessment of
different translation strategies will be promoted.Students will have to select a text or theme as object of
study.Criteria, pertinent issues as well as the theoretical and methodological framework regarding the
research&the translation will result from the interaction between the teacher and the studentsThe students are required to present a translation project.The project will consist of the translation of a literary work or works into Portuguese,accompanied by an essay elucidating theoretical and/or practical issues salient in the translation process

Evaluation method

Subject matter


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