Tradução e Estudos de Recepção


General characterization





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Espagne, M. . Les Transferts culturels franco-allemands. Paris: PUF, 1999.
Lopes, A. e M.C. Correia de Oliveira, org. Deste Lado do Espelho. Estudos de Tradução em Portugal. Novos Contributos para a História da Literatura Portuguesa. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2002.
Moniz, M. L. & T. Seruya, eds. Translation and Censorship in Different Times and Landscapes. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008.
Pickering, M.. ed. Research Methods for Cultural Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008.
Pym, A. Exploring Translation Theories. London : Routledge, 2010.
Seruya, T., org. Estudos de Tradução em Portugal. Novos Contributos para a História da Literatura Portuguesa.
Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2001.
Snell-Hornby, M.. The Turns of Translation Studies. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2006.
Werner, M. and B. Zimmermann. ‘Beyond comparison: histoire croisée and the challenge of reflexivity’. History and theory 45, 1 (2006): 30- 50

Teaching method

Seminars of a theoretical-practical nature, in which the theoretical presentation of the themes is articulated with group commentary, critique and debate on the texts and students’ oral presentations on aspects of the curriculum. Students’ research will be guided and supported with a view to preparing them for the writing of the individual final paper.

Evaluation method

The assessment method followed will consist of rewarding regular attendance, keeping up with required reading, contributing to debates by means of spontaneous interventions in class, displaying a capacity for establishing relations at the conceptual level and consistency in developing arguments, making brief oral presentations upon previous request, and writing an individual research paper of about 20-25 pages (excluding bibliography and appendices) on one of the themes of the curriculum.

Subject matter


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