Master project in Urban Studies
This curricular unit has as central objective training students for the elaboration of an intervention project in face of a particular issue or problematic crux, applying the set of theoretical -conceptual and methodological instruments acquired throughout the master training. Pursuing that aim, it is intended that students acquire the following competences: - Intervention project elaboration skills based on the diagnosis of an issue, problematic crux or situation worthy of intervention. - Competences for connecting theory, concepts and concrete situation of a given empirical reality. - Diagnosis, plan of action and intervention project elaboration skills. - Theoretical-conceptual knowledge implementation skills. - Autonomous and scientifically informed decision-making and solution offer competences.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - -
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Teaching method
The teaching methodology consists of: - Individual tutorial guidance, in which the supervisor accompanies all the supervised student´s work stages, providing the adequate assistance. - \"Project workshop\" work, in which the group of students in project work are prompted to debate the work development stages and to tackle difficulties, and to gather teachings based on the exchange of experiences and the supervisors´ assistance.
Evaluation method
The supervisor will assess the student´s project elaboration pathway and the apprenticeship by its means acquired and will ponder that assessment in the final Project Work evaluation.
Subject matter
In articulation with the supervisor and from an initial work programming, each student must develop the following topics: - To identify and select a social issue or problematic situation that requires intervention. - To formulate the intervention object in a complex and analytically problematical mode. - To select and analyse the relevant bibliography. - To elaborate starting questions or work hypotheses. - To define the adequate work methodologies. - To elaborate the issue or situation´s diagnosis from field work. - To design the Plan of action. - To design the assessment Plan. - To write a Project Work report.