Teaching German FL methodology I


a) To acquire concepts and terminology central to teaching-and-learning GFL.
b) To identify, characterize and assesse different methods and approaches in teaching GFL.
c) To get familiar with national German syllabuses and with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
d) To have a critical understanding of the contemporary uses of digital technology with regard to the implications for teaching and learning.
e) To reflect on teaching-and-learning issues in pedagogical contexts, articulating declarative knowledge (savoir); skills and know-how (savoir-faire); existential competence (savoir-être) and ability to learn (savoir-apprendre).
f) To develop reflection on the foreign language learner, the different teacher roles, and classroom interaction patterns.
g) To build up proposals to develop productive and receptive skills.
h) To increase awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity.
i) To reflect, analyse and discuss processes to be developed in the classroom using principles and knowledge from methodology classes.
j) To explain evaluation and assessment principles, types and objectives.
k) To describe processes to manage mistakes in a pedagogical positive way.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





- Bausch, Karl-Richard; Königs, Frank G.; Krumm, Hans-Jürgen (Hrsg.): Fremdsprachenlehrerausbildung. Konzepte. Modelle. Perspektiven. Tübingen: Narr, 2003
- Donat, R. (ed.), Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Projekte im Internet. Stuttgart:Klett,2001,;
- eringer, Hans Jürgen: Interkulturelle Kommunikation. 2. Aufl. Tübingen:A.Francke, 2007
- Steinig, Wolfgang; Huneke, Hans-Werner: Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine Einführung. 3.Aufl. Berlin: Schmidt, 2002
- Storch, Günther: Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Eine Didaktik. 2. Aufl. München: Fink, 2001

Teaching method

Classes will favour the practical implementation of theory, interaction and students’ active participation both individually and in a group.

Evaluation method

Regular presence and contribution during classes (30%) and individual assignments throughout the semester (30%) and a written test in class (40%).

Subject matter

a) Language and central concepts underlying TEFL.
b) Theories, methodologies and approaches to teaching EFL.
c) Receptive and productive skills.
d) Learner motivation, differences between learners and different learning contexts
e) Planning and classroom management.
f) Theories and rationales guiding assessment and evaluation.
g) The role of error in a pedagogical perspective.
h) Testing instruments and techniques.
i) Digital technology in the foreign language classroom.