Teaching Spanish FL methodology II - 2nd semester


a) To develop the concept of critical and constructive classroom observation and its advantages.
b) To develop further the error concept and its meaning in the communicative approach.
c) To develop a general overview on the importance of the evaluation.
d) To have a critical understanding of the contemporary uses of digital technology with regard to the implications for teaching and learning.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

María del Carmen Fondo Lavandeira


Weekly - 1,5 letivas + 0,5 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Arrate, G. (2011). Las tecnologías de la información en la enseñanza del español. Madrid: ArcoLibros
Bordón, T. (2006). La evaluación de la lengua en el marco de E/L2: bases y procedimientos. Madrid: ArcoLibros
Croll, P. (1995). La observación sistemática en el aula. Madrid: La Muralla
Ribas, R. e D’Aquino, A. (2004). ¿Cómo corregir errores y no equivocarse en el intento? Madrid: Edelsa
Woodward, T. (2002). Planificación de clases y cursos. Madrid: Edinumen

Teaching method

The course will combine theoretical and practical sessions, including presentation, demonstration, practical activities, group discussion and reflection on the topics studied. Priority is given to the practical implementation of theory, interaction and active participation of the students, working individually and in groups.

Evaluation method

Students will carry out small individual assignments throughout the semester (30%) and will prepare a project on one of the course contents (60%). Regular contribution during classes will be subject to assessment.

Subject matter

a) Observation tasks and techniques.
b) Critical analysis of examples of teaching practice.
c) Principles of error production and correction in a communicative approach.
d) Critical analysis of different ways of evaluating.
e) Critical analysis of textbook suggestions to deal with language-and-culture.