Teaching Portuguese Methodology I - 1st semester
a) To acquire central concepts and terminology to Portuguese (L1) teaching-and-learning.
b) To analyse syllabus and other normative national documents concerning Portuguese (L1) teaching-and-learning.
c) To have a critical understanding of teaching-and-learning issues in pedagogical contexts, articulating declarative knowledge, know-how and other abilities (how to be and how to learn).
d) To build up proposals according to different student profiles and different teacher roles.
e) To get familiar with appropriate methodologies concerning the teaching-and-learning of speaking/ listening, reading, writing and grammar.
f) To explain evaluation and assessment principles, types and objectives.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Helena Topa Valentim, Maria Antónia Coutinho
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Amor, E. (1991). Didáctica do Português: Fundamentos e metodologia. Lisboa: Texto Editores.
Costa, J., A. C. Cabral, A. Santiago e F. Viegas (2010). Conhecimento Explícito da Língua. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação.
Coutinho, M. A. et al. (2005). Géneros de texto e contexto escolar. In: Atas do 6º Encontro Nacional da Associação de Professores de Português. Publicação em CD-Rom.
Dolz, J. e Schneuwly, B. (2004). Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Campinas: Mercado de Letras.
Duarte, I. (2008). O Conhecimento da Língua: Desenvolver a Consciência Linguística. Lisboa: PNEP, Ministério da Educação.
Duarte, I. e Figueiredo, O. (2011). Português, língua e ensino. Porto: Universidade do Porto.
Jorge, N., A. Coutinho (2017). Percursos (linguísticos) para análise (literária), Palavras, 50-51: 77 - 87
Pereira, M. L. Á. e Cardoso, I. (eds.) (2013). Reflexão sobre a escrita. O ensino de diferentes géneros de texto. Aveiro: UA Editora.A preencher pelo docente responsável, de acordo com as normas APA
Teaching method
The course will combine theoretical and practical classes, including presentation, demonstration, practical exercises, group discussion and reflection on the topics studied. Classes will favour the practical implementation of theory, interaction and students active participation both individually and in a group.
Evaluation method
Students will carry out theoretical and practice tasks throughout the semester; reviewed versions will be gathered in a final portfolio assessment (100%), likely to reflect the regular participation during classes and to prove a meaningful and reflective learning process.
Subject matter
1. The role of guidance documents in mother tongue education: skills assessment.
2. Contributions of linguistics to the teaching of the mother tongue.
3. The explicit knowledge of language; methodologies for teaching grammar.
4. Understanding of oral expression: the role of oral language teaching; the oral formal school context.
5. The role of text in classroom language and guiding documents for the teaching of the mother tongue. Criteria for selection of texts for the classroom.
6. Reading and literacy. Types and reading strategies. Reading and planning activities.
7. The learning of writing: mainstreaming / differentiation. The teaching of writing: planning, procedures and strategies. Writing, rewriting and evaluation of writing.
8. Orality, literacy, explicit knowledge of the language and digital technology: presenting and building workshops /didactic sequences.
Programs where the course is taught:
- Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education in the specialization area of German
- Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education in the specialization area of Spanish
- Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education in the specialization area of English
- Masters in Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education