Models, images and powers in Medieval art, from the Suevic Kingdom to the transition to Gothic - 2nd semester
1. To develop the skill of critical analysis and interpretation of texts linked to the study of the medieval image.
2. To develop the skill of critical analysis and interpretations of imagens by using different methodologies, approaches and perspectives.
3. To learn several digital tools for the treatmente and analysis of images
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alicia Miguélez Cavero
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
BASCHET, J., L´iconographie médiévale, Paris: Gallimard, 2008
BASCHET, J e SCHMITT, J.-C. (Dir.), LImage. Fonctions et usages des images
dans lOccident Médiéval. Actes du 6e International Workshop on Medieval Societies,
Centre Ettore Majorana (Erice, Sicile, 17-23 octobre 1992). Paris: Le Léopard dOr, 1996.
BELTING, H., Bild-Anthropologie. Paderbon: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2002.
DIERKENS, A., BARTHOLEYNS, G. e GOLSENNE, T. (eds.). La performance des images. Problèmes dhistoire des religions, vol. 19 (pp. 9-14). Bruxelles: Éditions de lUniversité de Bruxelles, 2010.
FREEDBERG, D., The Power of Images: Studies in the History and Theory of Response. Chicago: University Press, 1989.
LE GOFF, J., Limaginaire medieval. Paris: Gallimard, 1985.
MÜLLER, Monika (ed.), The Use of Models in Medieval Book Painting, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014
WIRTH, J. L´image médiévale. Naissance et Développements (VI-XVe Siècle), Paris: Klincksieck, 1989.
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical sessions, with a first part devoted to the theoretical framework of a topic, presented by the professor, followed by the public discussion of a study case based on the previous work of students, reading and preparing texts and suggested materials.
Evaluation method
The evaluation is based on two criteria:
1. Participation in the project #Medieval Portugal (50%)
2. Active participation in the sessions (50%)
Subject matter
1. The concept of image
2. The medieval image. The image-object. The image-body
3. Materiality and \"thingness\" of the medieval image
4. Uses and functions of the medieval image
5. Performance, efficiency and power of the medieval image
6. Action, reaction and interaction of the medieval image
7. Model, original and copy of the medieval image
8. The study of medieval images: digital tools. Mirador e IIIF
Programs where the course is taught: