Cultural Transfers between Empires - 2nd semester


To know and to understand the European presence overseas, especially in Asia and America (16th-18th centuries), the
different geographical, political, social and religious stages and the diversity of imperial models and of European
occupation/presence in a given territory along with the artistic phenomena resulting from the contacts established and the
interactions promoted with different civilizations, in particular:
a) Understand the different experiences and models of action, as well as the similarities and convergences;
b) Understand and examine some case studies that can be understood as illustrative of this theme;
c) Integrate the subject in general cultural and artistic themes;
d) Reflect on the methodological characteristics of the study of an artistic corpus with European referents, but generated

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Alexandra Curvelo


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




BAILEY, Gauvin A., Art on the Jesuit Missions in Asia and Latin America, 1542-1773. Toronto; Buffalo; London: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
Cultural transfers in dispute. Representations in Asia, Europe and the Arab world since the middle ages. Jörg Jeuchter, Friedhelm Hoffmann, Bee Yun (Ed.). Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2011.
CURVELO, Alexandra, “Os Portugueses na Ásia dos séculos XVI-XVII: dinâmicas económicas e sociais e vivências artísticas e culturais”, Biombos Namban. Lisboa: IMC, 2009, p.18-42.
GRUZINSKI, Serge, Les Quatre Parties du Monde. Histoire d’une mondialisation. Paris, Éditions de La Martinière, 2004.
KAUFMANN, Thomas DaCosta, Toward a Geography of Art. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004.
LOPES, Rui O., Arte e Alteridade. Confluências da Arte Cristã na Índia, na China e no Japão, séc. XVI a XVIII. [Tese Doutoramento, 2011]
MOREIRA, Rafael, “Uma Fachada-Retábulo em Macau”. Separata de El Museo de Pontevedra, T. LIII. Pontevedra, 1999, p.159-168.

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical, using images and texts.

Evaluation method

Accordingly, the final evaluation will consist on a paper to be discussed in a theoretical session (40%) and in an individual work, to be presented in writing and orally (60%).

Subject matter

I) Reflection on concepts such as \"cultural transfers\", \"cultural identities\", \"interactions\", \"exchanges\", \"centers\",
\"peripheries\", \"globalization\", \"frontier\".
II) Cultural Transfers between European empires overseas: Portugal, Spain, France, England, Holland, Sweden and Denmark.
III) Cultural Transfers between the European and the Empires of the Near and Middle East (Ottoman and Safavid Empires), Asians (Mughal India and Ming China), America (Aztec and Inca) and the cases of the kingdoms of Ayutthaya (Siam) and Japan.