Portuguese Heritage in the world - 2nd semester
To know and to understand the Portuguese presence in different geographical areas during the 16th-18th
centuries, and the architecture and objects resulting from the contacts established and the interactions with different civilizations, in particular:
a) Understand the heterogeneity of the Portuguese or luso-asiatic presence and the artistic phenomena
associated with it;
b) Understand and analyse some tipologies and models that can be understood as paradigmatic of this
c) Understand the transposition of models, experimentalisms and adaptations;
d) Use critically some of the operating concepts;
e) Reflect on the methodological characteristics of the study of an artistic corpus with European referents, but generated overseas.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alexandra Curvelo
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
AZEVEDO, Carlos de, A Arte de Goa, Damão e Diu. Lisboa: Comissão Executiva do 5º Centenário do
Nascimento de Vasco da Gama, 1970.
BOUCHON, Geneviève, Premières expériences dune société coloniale: Goa au XVIe siècle. Inde Découverte, Inde Retrouvée 1498-1630. Études dHistoire Indo-Portugaise. Lisbonne; Paris: Commission Nationale pour les Commémorations des Découvertes Portugaises; Centre Culturel Calouste Gulbenkian, 1999, p. 291-301.
DIAS, Pedro, Arte de Portugal no Mundo, 15 vols. Lisboa: Público, 2008-2009.
Património de origem portuguesa no mundo. Dir. José Mattoso. 4 Vols. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste
Gulbenkian, 2010.
FLORES, Jorge Manuel, Um império de objectos, Os Constructores do Oriente Português. Porto: CNCDP, 1998, p.15-51.
GOMES, Paulo Varela, \"Portuguese settlements and trading centres\", 14,5 Ensaios de História e Arquitectura. Coimbra: Almedina, 2007.
THOMAZ, Luís Filipe F. R., De Ceuta a Timor. Lisboa: Difel, 1994. [Col.Memória e Sociedade]
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical, using images and texts.
Evaluation method
Accordingly, the final evaluation will consist on a paper to be discussed in a theoretical session (40%) and in an individual work, to be presented in writing and orally (60%).
Subject matter
I) The concept of heritage within the context of the study of the Portuguese presence in the world.
II) State of the art.
III) Presentation and reflection about concepts and terms used.
IV) Built heritage.
V) Objects and figurative art.
VI) Cultural heritage connections: the immaterial heritage and the artistic and material universe.
Programs where the course is taught: