Identity images in 19th century art - 1st semester


Understand the claim for a ´Portuguese art´ in the context of the emergent political and cultural nationalisms of the nineteenth century; Contextualize the cult of heritage and the definition of ´patriotic Monuments´; Analyse the emergence and affirmation of Neo-Manueline as a ´national style´; Assess the debate on the ´Portuguese House´ [Casa Portuguesa] in the context of the developing matrix of international architectural models; Understand the relevance of Naturalism painting in the creation of national images of Portugal, significantly charged with rural anthropological values; Tackle the ‘modernity’ of the work of Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro; Analyze the symbolic polysemy of the figure ´Zé Povinho´.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Raquel Henriques da Silva


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





FRANÇA, José-Augusto – A Arte em Portugal no século XIX, 2 vols. Lisboa: Livraria Bertrand, 3ª ed. 1990 (1ª ed.1966); LEAL, João – Etnografias Portuguesas (1870-1970). Cultura Popular e Identidade Nacional. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote,
2000;SILVA, Raquel Henriques da - “Desenhar para rir: a sociedade burguesa ao espelho” in Guia do Museu Bordalo Pinheiro. Lisboa: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, 2005;SILVA, Raquel Henriques da – “O naturalismo e o portuguesismo em Pintura” in João Vaz 1859-1931. Um pintor do naturalismo. Lisboa: Instituto Português deMuseus/Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves, 2005

Teaching method

The seminars will be both theoretical and practical, as they shall include classroom time for critical readings of referential texts, as well as for the participation of invited experts or related field trips to museums and art exhibitions. By the 4th session, each student is expected to hand in a proposal of his/her personal project, together with the selected evaluation model. The evaluation may include components as different as: critical reviews, thematic reports and / or a written research essay.

Evaluation method

Subject matter

1. The political changes in Portugal after the establishment of the liberal regime. 2. The extinction of convents and the birth of patriotic heritage. 3. The Neo-Manueline as a national style, between the ´invention´ of the Manueline and its symbolic appropriation. 4. The ´Portuguese House´ in national and international contexts: the patriotic affirmation of/in architecture. 5. Naturalistic painting, between the European models and the national inventions: representations and celebrations of the ‘landscape’ and the ‘People’. 6. Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro and the emergence of industrial arts; caricature as a project of modernity.