German Teaching Methodology Seminar - 1st semester
- Developing methodological and analytical competences based on work in class, through critical reading and
individual tasks, in order to present projects and texts of investigation in the area of specific didactics -
German as a foreign language which will allow the preparation of a PhD thesis in this field;
- Developing abilities to decodify and analyse relevant cultural spaces and manifestations in interaction with
native speakers;
- Sensitize for linguistic, cultural and literary diversity in terms of maternal language and foreign laguage;
- Reflect on issues of teaching and learning in a multicultural pedagogical context;
- Analize and debate scientifically the function of linguistic competence in processes of integration or
- Apreciation of strange linguistic elements (interferences) as potentially enriching and innovative.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Gerald Bar (UAberta)
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
- Afonso, Clarisse Costa. (2010). Didáctica de Línguas Estrangeiras. Ramada:Pedago.
- Bär, Gerald. (2011). Fantasies of Fragmentation in Conrad, Kafka and Pessoa: literary strategies to express
strangeness in a hetero-social context. Amaltea. Revista de mitocrítica. vol. 3.
- Bhabha, Homi K. (2004). The Location of Culture. Abingdon:Routledge.
- Heringer, H.J. (2007). Interkulturelle Kommunikation,Tübingen:A.Francke.
- Müller, N./Kupisch, T./Schmitz, K./Cantone, K. (eds). (2007). Einführung in die Mehrsprachigkeitforschung,
Tübingen:Gunter Narr.
- Waldenfels, Bernhard. (1997). Topographie des Fremden - Studien zur Phänomenologie des Fremden 1.
- Wierlacher, A./Bogner, A. (eds). (2003). Handbuch interkulturelle Germanistik. Stuttgart: Metzler.
- Witte, Arnd. (2009). ´Die Sprache der Anderen - Fremdsprachenlernen im soziokulturellen Kontext´.
Teaching method
Classwork is theoretical and practical and includes exposition, demonstration, joint discussion and reflection
on the course units´ topics and contents. Active student participation, both individually and in groups, will be
privileged. The modules that compose each course unit will be offered as blended learning, with limited
classroom-based sessions scheduled at the opening of the course and online work to be conducted on the elearning
Objectives, programmatic contents, resources and activities, as well as the assessment schedule, is stated in
the Research Learning Contract posted on the platform. The teaching work to be carried out will focus on the
practical implementation of the approaches, principles and concepts under consideration, facilitating the
learning process through observation and reflection.
Evaluation method
Assessment is based on the frequency and quality of participation in classroom sessions, online forum
discussions and on individually submitted written works.
Subject matter
1. Didactics as Science and in Teacher Training
2. Analysis of diferent methodologies explaining the social and cultural context of their emergence
3. The role of didactics in the development of linguistic and intercultural competences
4. Linguistic interferences in the writings of immigrants or of authors from culturally hybrid zones
5. Literary techniques for defining identity in the process of integration or separation from the host society: the
motif of the double (´Doppelgänger´)
6. The double as ´avatar´ in social media and in education
Programs where the course is taught: