Multilingualism and Education for a Global Citizenship - 2nd semester


-Critically analyze theoretical models of intercultural communicative competence, specialist documents and
-Develop professional awareness of spaces that encourage local and global intercultural communication skills
-Promote the use knowledge to develop appropriate strategies in promoting intercultural communication and
civic engagement in particular diverse contexts
-Understand Language Policy and Language Planning issues, past and present (LPLP)
-Master the theoretical framework of LPLP
-Develop research and action in LPLP in its theoretical and historical framework
-Critically understand the context and factors relating to intercultural citizenship education and multilingualism
-Critically understand current theories and practices developed as responses to the effects of globalization in
-Undertake a literature review on the topics discussed and synthetize the findings

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ricardo Salomão (UAberta), Rosa Maria Sequeira (UAberta)


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Deardorff,D.(2009).The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence
Sequeira,Rosa M.(2012).A comunicação intercultural é uma utopia?In Petrov et al.(ed.s),Avanços em Literatura e Cultura...
Sequeira,Rosa M.(2013).A literatura na aula de língua estrangeira e a competência intercultural
Spencer-Oatey, H et al(2009).Intercultural Interaction. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural
Witte,Arnd e T. Harden(eds)(2011) Intercultural Competence – concepts, challenges, evaluations.Peter Lang
Spolsky,B.(2009)Language Management.Cambridge University Press
Calvet, Louis-Jean(2002)Le marché aux langues: Essai de politologie linguistique sur la mondialisation. Paris:
Salomão, Ricardo(2011)Comunicação e Exportação. Lisboa: CEMRI, Nova Vega
Johnson,David Cassels(2013). Language Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Banks,J. A.(2001).Citizenship education and diversity.Journal Teacher Education
Byram,M.(2009)From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship

Teaching method

The methodological approach of the curricular unit focuses on the theory and practice of teaching/learning via
e-learning, based on the UAb pedagogical model of online distance learning courses, where the learning
process entails a double strand of individual study and research and collaborative work. The latter is
developed in the form of asynchronous discussion and work groups within the virtual classroom, moderated
either by teachers or by PhD students.

Evaluation method

The assessment of learning on this course will be based on continuous
assessment of individual and group activities. The final evaluation is based on weighing the various evaluation
elements: quality of participation in discussion forums and group and plenary work; individual work (critical
readings, essays and proposals for ways of implementing strategies and models of intercultural
communication); final individual work.

Subject matter

1. Fundamental concepts and theoretical models of intercultural competency.
2. Intercultural competencies and contexts for their application.
3. Evaluation and development of intercultural communication competency in different contexts.
4. Three historical phases of Language Planning academic field;
5. Language Planning and Social Change;
6. Languages and cultures: a pratical example - export and communication
7. Languages, nacionalities and globalization;
8. Language planning options: The European Union case;
9. Multilinguism and plurilinguism;
10. Issues in multilingualism and citizenship education;
11. Principles and practices for educating citizens for a multicultural world;
12. Materials development to promote interculturality.