Teaching Portuguese (L1) Methodology Seminar - 1st semester
- To develop deep knowledge of the major current issues in the field of mother language didactics.
- To critically discuss theoretical frameworks, methodological optional and reference documents relevant for
mother language teaching.
- To adequately transfer relevant theoretical and scientific knowledge to applied dimensions relevant for
language teaching.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Isabel Maria Roboredo Seara (UAberta)
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bronckart, J.-P. (2007). Desarollo del lenguaje y didactica de las lenguas. Buenos Aires: Miño y Davila.
Bronckart J.-P, Bulea & Pouliot, M. (Eds.) (2005). Repenser l´enseignement des langues: comment identifier et
exploiter les compétences?. Lille: Presses du Septentrion.
Cassany, D. (2008). Oficina de textos. São Paulo: Artmed Editora
Cassany, Daniel, Marta Luna, & Glòria Sanz (1994). Enseñar lengua. Barcelona: Graó
Dolz (2013). Forma ensinada, objeto ensinado e formas sociais do trabalho do professor. In Bueno, L. et al.
(orgs). Gêneros textuais e formação inicial. Belo Horizonte: Mercado das Letras, pp. 181-194
Hudson, Richard (1992). Teaching Grammar. A Guide for the National Curriculum. Oxford: Blackwell
Teaching method
Lectures and project presentation by students:
Evaluation method
Evaluation - Portfolium including
a) Synthesis of each session (30%)
b) Two reading reports (20%)
c) Collection of relevant bibliography (10%)
d) Project of research design (experimental design / action-research) for the study of a specific topic (40%)
Subject matter
- The construction of teaching-learning objects for mother language: conceptual and terminological options.
- L1 teaching: theoretical and methodological options.
- The reference documents in Portuguese teaching: evolutions, transitions, perspectives.
- Didactic transfer: what it is and how it is done; work perspectives related to the explicit teaching of language
and texts (literary and non-literary)
- Analisys and production of teaching materials for L1 Portuguese.
Programs where the course is taught: