French Teaching Methodology Seminar - 1st semester


a) To deepen concepts and terminology related to the following areas: cultural and literary studies, language
studies and teaching of foreign languages.
b) To deepen knowledge in the French literature area of the French language and the linguistic.
c) Reflect on issues related to the teaching and learning of French as a foreign and second language: literary
diversity, translating texts into other languages, FLE / S for specific purposes, lexicological / lexicographical in
E/A to FLE/S.
d) Identify, characterize and evaluate the contribution of literary and linguistic studies (and, in particular, of
Lexicography, lexicology and terminology) in didactics of FLE.
d) Draw up development proposals that integrate the problematic addressed
e) Promote awareness of the literary, linguistic and cultural diversity.
f) Reflect, analyze and discuss processes to be developed in the classroom, using the knowledge acquired
during the seminar.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Christina Dechamps


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





BEACCO, J.C.(2007). L’approche par compétences dans l’enseignement des langues. Paris, Didier, coll.
«Langues et didactique»
CARRAS, C. (2007). Le FOS et la classe de langue. Paris, CLE
CUQ, J.P. et alii(2005). Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde. Grenoble, PUG
DELPORT, M.-F. et alii(1995). Problèmes linguistiques de la traduction. L’horlogerie de saint Jérôme. Paris,
L’Harmattan, coll. «Sémantique»
GENETTE, G.(1982). Palimpsestes. La littérature au second degré. Paris, Seuil, coll. «Points»
LIONS-OLIVIERI, M.L.(2011). L’approche actionnelle dans l’enseignement des langues. Paris, Maison des
MANGIANTE, J.-M. (2004). Le français sur objectifs spécifiques. Paris, Hachette
MOURA, J.-M.(2003). Exotisme et lettres francophones. Paris, PUF
PUREN, C.(1994-2008). La didactique des langues étrangères à la croisée des méthodes. Paris, Didier
SAINT-GELAIS, R.(2011). Fictions transfuges. La transfictionnalité et ses enjeux. Paris, Seuil, coll. «Poétique»

Teaching method

Classwork is both theoretical and practical and includes exposition, demonstration, joint discussion and
reflection on the course units´ topics and contents. Active student participation, both individually and in
groups, will be privileged. The modules that compose each course unit will be offered in the form of blended
learning, with limited classroom-based sessions scheduled at the opening of the course and online work to be
carried via e-learning platform.
Objectives, programmatic contents, resources and activities, as well as the assessment schedule, is stated in
the Research Learning Contract posted on the platform. The teaching work to be carried out will focus on the
practical implementation of the approaches, principles and concepts under consideration, facilitating the
learning process through observation and reflection.

Evaluation method

Assessment is based on the frequency and quality of participation in classroom sessions, online forum
discussions and on individually submitted written works.

Subject matter