Portuguese as a Foreign and as a Second Language Teaching Methodology Seminar - 1st semester


- To develop advanced research competences in this field
- To study current theoretical trends in language acquisition, learning and teaching
- To discuss current teaching methods in language teaching
- To analyse the QECR and the QuaREPE and the relevance of their uses
- To produce theoretical work in PFL/PSL
- To analyze teaching resources in PFL/PSL
- To study the situation of Portuguese language in the world and its teaching
- To discuss cultural and linguistic topics about Portuguese speaking countries

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Maria Martinho, Isabel Santos Falé (UAberta)


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Achard, M. & S. Niemeier (2004) Cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language teaching. Berlim: Walter de Gruyter.
Araújo, L. & Martinho, A.M.M.F. (2004-2006) (Coord.) Idiomático, Rev. Digital de PLNM. Camões.
De Bot, K., W. Lowie, M. & Verspoor (2005) Second Language Acquisition: an Advanced Resource Book. Routledge.
Richards, J.C. & T.S Rodgers (2001) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press.
Conselho da Europa (2001) Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas: Aprendizagem, Ensino, Avaliação. Edições ASA.
Bizarro, R., M. Moreira & C. Flores (orgs.) Português língua não materna: investigação e ensino. Lisboa: Lidel.
Long, M. & C. Doughty (2009) The Handbook of Language Teaching. Blackwell Publishing.
Mateus, M.H.M. (coord.) (2001) Uma Política de Língua para o Português. Lisboa: Ed. Colibri.
Richards, J. & W. Renandya (eds.) (2002) Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. CUP.

Teaching method

Classwork is both theoretical and practical and includes exposition, demonstration, joint discussion and
reflection on the course units´ topics and contents.Active student participation, both individually and in groups,
will be privileged. The modules that compose each course unit will be offered in the form of blended learning,
with limited classroom-based sessions scheduled at the opening of the course and online work to be carried
via e-learning platform. Objectives, programmatic contents, resources and activities, as well as the assessment
schedule, are stated in the Research Learning Contract posted on the platform.The teaching work to be carried
out will focus on the practical implementation of the approaches, principles and concepts under consideration,
facilitating the learning process through observation and reflection

Evaluation method

Assessment is based on the frequency and quality of participation in classroom sessions, online forum
discussions and on individually submitted written works.

Subject matter

- The Portuguese language in the world (geographical, political and institutional diversity) and as a means of global communication.
- Learning contexts for Portuguese as a non-native language: Portuguese as a foreign, second and heritage language.
- Cognition, acquisition and learning. Theoretical framework.
- Methodologies for language teaching.
- The Common European Framework of Reference for languages and the guiding documents.
- Development of oral, reading and writing skills.
- Teaching/learning vocabulary and grammar.
- Analysis and production of pedagogical materials for teaching Portuguese FL/SL.