Cânone Literário do Português (not translated)
Students are expected to learn the history of the modern debate around the canon of Portuguese Literature, from the beginning of 19th century to this day, as well as some important landmarks of similar debates about other literatures in Portuguese language.
They should acknowledge the institutional and historical nature of the process that stabilizes a national literary canon and be able to produce critical analysis of the controversies produced along the process of regular revision of the canon.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable.
Braga, Teófilo, História da Literatura Portuguesa, INCM, 2005.
Garrett, Almeida, Romanceiro, Ulisseia, 1997.
Helder, Herberto, Edoi Lelia Doura Antologia das Vozes Comunicantes da Poesia Moderna Portuguesa, Assírio & Alvim, 1985.
Herculano, Alexandre, Opúsculos, vol. V, Presença, 1985.
Lourenço, Eduardo, Tempo e Poesia, Gradiva, 2003.
Pessoa, Fernando, Crítica, Assírio & Alvim, 2000.
Redol, Alves, Glória, Caminho, 2004.
Redol, Alves, Gaibéus, Caminho, 2011.
Rosa, António Ramos, Poesia, Liberdade Livre, 1962.
Teaching method
Each class begins with a lecture on the topic and the texts previously chosen, followed by a period of debate and clarification with the students.
Evaluation method
Evaluation includes a short oral presentation by each student on one of the topics of the syllabus (30% of the overall evaluation) and a paper to be delivered at the end of the seminar concerning texts included in the syllabus or strictly connected with it (70% of the overall evaluation). The paper must have the size and form requirements adequate to be published in an academic journal.
Subject matter
1. The institution of modernity: canon, history and nation.
a) The institution of Portuguese literature in the work of Alexandre Herculano;
b) Antero de Quental and the philosophy of Portuguese literary history;
c) Teófilo Braga and the anthropological history of Portuguese literature;
d) From Fernando Pessoa to António Ramos Rosa: theory and politics of the «Portuguese» poetical modernity.
2. Canonizations of «the People».
a) Almeida Garrett and the philology of traditional Romanceiro;
b) Neorealism and ethnograpy: two books by Alves Redol («Glória» and «Gaibéus») and the problem of its connection with literature.
3. Anticanons in the 20th century.
a) Canon subversion in the practice and the theory of Surrealism;
b) Alternative canons: Herberto Helder and his anthology of the «communicating voices of modern Portuguese poetry»;
c) Modernism as a question of canon.
Programs where the course is taught:
- Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education in the specialization area of German
- Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education in the specialization area of Spanish
- Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education in the specialization area of English
- Masters in Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education
- Masters in Portuguese Studies
- Masters in Crossways in Cultural Narratives