Text Theory


By the end of the curricular unit, students are supposed:
- to know the most relevant theoretical frameworks, concerning different textual approaches in the context of linguistic studies;
- to delimit text and discourse as objects of analysis, according to different theoretical perspectives;
- to manipulate appropriately linguistic analysis resources involved in different plans of text analysis;
- to be able to diversify analysis options, according to specific descriptive or research objectives.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

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Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Adam, Jean-Michel, Heidmann, Ute & Maingueneau, Dominique. (2010). Análises textuais e discursivas. Metodologia e aplicações. São Paulo: Cortez Editora.
Adam, Jean-Michel (2008). A linguística textual. Introdução à análise textual dos discursos. São Paulo: Cortez Editora.
Bronckart, Jean-Paul (2005). Os géneros de texto e os tipos de discurso como formatos das interações de desenvolvimento. In Menéndez, F. (org), Análise do discurso. Lisboa : Huguin, pp. 37-80.
Bronckart, Jean-Paul (2010). La vie des signes en questions : des textes aux langues, et retour. In Brito, A. et al. (orgs). Textos Seleccionados do XXV Encontro Nacional da APL. Porto: APL, 11-40.
Coseriu, Eugenio (2007). Linguística del texto. Introducción a la hermenêutica del
sentido. Madrid: Arco/Libros, S.L.
Coutinho, Maria Antónia (2003). Texto(s) e competência textual. Lisboa: FCT-FCG.
Fonseca, Fernanda Irene (1992). Deixis, Tempo e Narração. Porto: Fundação Eng. António de Almeida.

Teaching method

The classes will be theoretical and practical (60% / 40%) and students will be involved in an active way.

Evaluation method

- participation in sessions and autonomous work (through oral presentations and/or written contributions) – 30%;
- written paper, including both theoretical and analytical components (70 %).

Subject matter

1)The texts: delimitation of the object of analysis; epistemological and methodological perspectives.
2) Text Linguistics, textual analysis of discourses and text theory: convergences and divergences.
3) Texts, discourses, genres: specificities and interrelationships.
4) Macro and microlinguistic organization: description and analysis tools.
5) Analysis of texts: generic and stylistic issues.