Documentary Heritage - 2nd semester


a) To understand the concepts that make the notion of \"documentary heritage\" from the perspective of History and Information Sciences;
b) To identify the diversity of material suports and communication contexts in which documentary heritage has been developed over time;
c) To integrate and manage the documents patrimonialisation in the information life cycle;
d) To assimilate basic principles of preservation and conservation applied to archival and bibliographic
e) To recognize different typologies of archives and libraries and their particular heritage valences, at an
national and internacional level;
f) To promote communication strategies of documentary heritage adapted to different audiences, bearing in mind their legal and ethical requirements;
g) To cultivate a spirit of analysis, rigor and research, together with a critical attitude in creating new
h) To strengthen oral and written communication skills.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paula Ôchoa


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





BELLO URGELLÈS, Carmen; BORRELL CREHUET, Àngels – El patrimonio bibliográfico y documental: claves para su conservación preventiva. Gijón: Trea, 2002.
CABRAL, Maria Luísa - Património bibliográfico e bibliotecas na construção da identidade colectiva: entre um conceito e o seu desenvolvimento, 1750-1800. Tese de doutoramento apresentada à FCSH-UNL, 2013.
CULLINGFORD, Alison - The Special Collections Handbook. London: Facet, 2011.
ACRL/ALA - Guidelines: Competencies for Special Collections Professionals. 2008.
Inquérito sobre o Estado de Conservação do Património Arquivístico e Bibliográfico em Portugal. Lisboa:
APBAD, 1999.
LE GOFF, Jacques - Documento/monumento. In Enciclopédia Einaudi. Vol. 1. Lisboa: IN-CM, 1984, p. 95-106.
MCNEELY, Ian F.; WOLVERTON, Lisa - Reinventing Knowledge: From Alexandria to the Internet. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2008.
ROUSSEAU, Jean-Yves ; COUTURE, Carol - Os fundamentos da disciplina arquivística. Lisboa : Dom Quixote, 1998.

Teaching method

The seminar will be developed through classroom lectures, tutorials and independent student work.
Lectures will combine theory and practice, alternating moments of theoretical explanation of themes, concepts, vocabulary and methods from this specific area with the analysis and review of texts presented by students.
A calendar of pratictical activities in the class will be defined at the beginning of the school year, as well as a
set of required readings. Students will also have the opportunity to visit heritage collections in libraries and

Evaluation method

The evaluation will be based on the following weighting:
a) A written work of individual research (4000-5000 words, 40%), with an oral presentation to the class (10%)
b) Oral presentation of texts or predefined themes (20%) and its review (10%) in class;
c) Report of a study visit (1000-1500 words) (20%).

Subject matter

1 Introduction:
1.1. Documentary heritage: approaches and perspectives in a concept definition
2. Evolution of writing and memory contexts:
2.1. From manuscript to printed, audio-visual and digital
3. The information life cycle in archives and libraries:
3.1. Review of collection and archival fond concepts
3.2. Creation, acquisition, organization and retrieval
3.3. The value of information and their criteria: appraisal and selection
3.4. Preservation and conservation of the documentary heritage
4. Networks of archives and libraries in Portugal:
4.1. Typologies, missions, audiences and heritage collections
4.2. Documentary and museulogical heritage: synergies and convergences
5. From custody to access:
5.1. Legal and ethical framework of documentary heritage
5.2. Communication strategies and fruition among the different communities


Programs where the course is taught: