School, community and culture - 2nd semester


- Relate local authorities with cultural practices
- Meet some educational and cultural projects
- Reflect on some specific educational communities
- Analyze the role of the teacher in promotion and cultural production
- Reflect on ways to intervene in the educational community
- Propose educational and cultural projects appropriate for different contexts

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Docente a definir


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





GODINHO, Paula (coordenação) (2012). Usos da memória e práticas do património. Lisboa: Edições Colibri.
LOPES, João Teixeira (2003). Escola, território e políticas culturais. Porto: Campo das Letras.
MENDES, Amado (2009). “Património(s): Memória, Identidade e Desenvolvimento” e “Cultura material e
quotidiano: a educação através dos objectos” in Estudos do Património. Museus e Educação. Coimbra:
Imprensa da Univ. de Coimbra, pp. 9-16 e pp. 17-27.
POPKEWITZ, Thomas S. (1994). Modelos de poder y regulación social en pedagogia. Crítica comparada de las reformas contemporâneas de la formación del profesorado. Barcelona: Ediciones Pomares-Corredor S.A.
SILVA, Augusto Santos (2007). “Como abordar as políticas culturais autárquicas? Uma hipótese de roteiro”. In Sociologia, problemas e práticas, nº 54, pp. 11-33.
TRAVERSO, Enzo (2012). O passado, modos de usar. História, memória e política. Lisboa: Edições Unipop.

Teaching method

Lectures (50%) and tutorials (50%). Tutorials consist of:
Critical analysis of theoretical information, laws and intervention projects in schools and its practical
application in the community.

Evaluation method

Three individual written reflections on topics covered in class. Individual written work on a chosen topic.
Discussions on the topics.

Subject matter

I. Pedagogical and cultural Communities
1. Global Cultures / Local cultures
2. Municipal school network / educational policies
3. Territory and non-formal learning / civic culture
II. Mediation, Schools and Community
4. Communities and school
- The school and the community. Education and local authorities
- Educational reforms
- Individual action / local boards of education
- Social and cultural reproduction
5. Mandatory and legal autonomy
- The teacher as a promoter of cultural practices and producer of material culture
6. Memories and powers
- Powers (in) visible
- The construction of memory / Memory Usage
- Preservation of knowledge and memory
7. Cultural and educational practices and development
- The mainstreaming of cultural language
- The objects and the relationship with power
- The objects and material culture / Education by objects
- The testimony of images and oral testimonies
- Tangible and intangible heritage


Programs where the course is taught: