History, Methodologies and Theories of Heritage in Portugal - 1st semester
Development of knowledge for a general critical analysis of cultural and natural heritage.
Development of the study of history and heritage in Portugal and a reflection on the role of different actors in
the heritage process, in a more holistic perspective of heritage (tangible and intangible).
Skills to perform diagnostics (theoretically substantiated but practice-oriented) of a point of view of values and
methodologies of protection and enhancement of heritage.
Acquisition/development of skills for the implementation of principles and methodologies in the field of
Acquisition/development of skills for the identification and delineation of research fields inherent dynamics of
recognition, cultural appropriation and use of heritage in a contemporary context.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paula Ôchoa
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Cordeiro, J. M. L. (2007) O Património Industrial em Portugal. Situação actual e perspectivas de futuro, Arqueologia Industrial 4ª série, I (1-2), 41-50.
Custódio, J. (2011, 2013). Renascença Artística e Práticas de Conservação e Restauro Arquitectónico em Portugal durante a 1ª República. Vol. 1 e 2.. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio.
Esperança, E. J. (1997). Património e Comunicação práticas e políticas culturais, Lisboa:Veja.
Lopes, F. e Correia, M. B. (2014), Património Cultural. Critérios e Normas Internacionais de Protecção. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio.
Martins, G.O. (2009). Património, Herança e Memória. A Cultura como Criação. Lisboa : Gradiva.
Neto, Maria João Batista (2001). Propaganda e Poder, o restauro dos monumentos nacionais (1929-1960). Porto: Publicações FAUP.
Ramalhete, F. (ed.) (1999). Patrimónios, natural e cultural: de um olhar comum a uma intervenção integrada. Lisboa: GEOTA.
Teaching method
Some of the lessons will be of theoretical nature, constituted by discursive presentations of the lecturer and
students, according to the work plan and evaluation. Some input from professionals or visiting researchers are welcomed. Other sessions, theoretical and practical, intended for presentation of work by students and their critical contributions. Visits, thematically integrated in the syllabus will be made.
Evaluation method
Are evaluated: attendance and overall participation (25%); developing a critical review, in the context of the literature of the seminar (25%); the preparation of a paper (50%) - with individual oral and written presentation - about one or more aspects of the program (syllabus), with a component of theoretical and conceptual framework and a component of critical analysis or case study. This may stem from both contexts addressed throughout the workshop by the lecturer or proposed by the student.
Subject matter
1 Origins and historical context: meaning of words and building of concepts around heritage.
2. Problematics from the scientific framework to heritage studies as a potential platform for multidisciplinary
and transdisciplinary research.
3. Sources for the study(ies) of heritage in Portugal. Authors of reference.
4. Historical perspective of managed heritage and living heritage in Portugal: institutions, theories and
5. Legal instruments and methodologies of protection and safeguard of heritage in Portugal.
6. Heritage policies. Inventions of heritage. Uses of heritage - case studies.
7. Organisation and practices in the field of heritage - case studies.