Artistic Heritage in a global world: concept, recreation and merit
To recognize the relevance of Artistic Heritage in the global understanding of current concepts, theories and patrimonialistic practices;
To get acquainted with facts, personalities and legal requirements founders of the History of Artistic Heritage from Antiquity to 21st century;
To grasp the symbolical value of the appropriation of Artistic Heritage in situations of political and military
control, of war and in the diversity of the colonial contexts;
To critically assay the subjects essential bibliography, including Charters and all relevant legislation;
To master the fundamental stages of action towards safeguard and preservation of Artistic Heritage, from
virtual recreation to a minimalistic and reversible intervention;
To critically acknowledge a range of situations concerning the safeguard and appreciation of Artistic Heritage currently taking place in Portugal;
To understand the diversity of virtual resources for the resubmission of Artistic Heritage and its public
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
- CHOAY, Françoise (2000), A alegoria do património, Lisboa: Ed. 70
- CHOAY, Françoise (2005), Património e Mundialização, Évora: Editora Licorne/CHAIA (2ª ed.)
- CUNO, James (ed.) (2009), Whose Culture ? The Promise of Museums and the Debate over Antiquities, Princeton: Princeton University Press
- CUSTÓDIO, Jorge (coord. científica) (2010), 100 anos de património : memória e identidade : Portugal 1910-2010, Lisboa : IGESPAR
- GILLMAN, Derek (2010), The Idea of Cultural Heritage: Revised Edition, Cambridge University Press
- JOKILEHTO, Jukka e FEILDEN, Bernard M. (1998), Management guidelines for world cultural heritage sites, Roma: ICCROM, (2ª ed.)
- JOKILEHTO, Jukka (2002), History of Architectural Conservation, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
- RODRIGUES, Jorge (2012), O Património Cultural e a mortalidade dos objectos: as escolhas incontornáveis,
Gestão Integrada do Território: economia, sociedade, ambiente e cultura, Rio de Janeiro: Instituto BioAtlântica
IBIO, pp. 357-384
Teaching method
Seminars will be theoretical-practical, encompassing the reading of texts of primordial relevance, enlisting the
cooperation of reputed experts, with related field trips. Each student will prepare and propose its own personal participation program in the seminar, as well as its evaluation, within the proposed framework.
Evaluation method
The evaluation will consist of a research paper/project on a specific subject, proposed by the student, pending
acceptance by the teachers (75%), with a final presentation and discussion in class (25%).
Subject matter
1 The concept and scope of Artistic Heritage;
2 The history of the concept of Heritage:
2-1 - The concept of Heritage from Antiquity to the end of the Modern Age (symbolism, rationalism, prepositivism);
2.2 The contemporary approach to Artistic Heritage; from the Encyclopedia to the connections to Culture, Landscape and Identity (the questions of proprietorship and the National-States);
3 - Artistic Heritage and the safeguard and protection resources, on a national and international level: the Law and the Charters;
4 Case study: the extinction of the convents in Lisbon in the 19th century;
5 The complex question of Conservation and/versus Restoration: diagnosis, intervention, recreation;
6 The Artistic Heritage as a common asset and an opportunity for a sustainable economical and social
development (a few considerations on management and merit).
Programs where the course is taught: