Medieval Methodologies Workshop - 1st semester
Ability to identify, access, analyse and integrate information from various sources, documents and texts, and
to deal with relevant and complex historical problems of the Middle Ages;
Knowledge of resources (including those based on ICT), available for research in ones specific field of history
of Middle Ages and related fields
Abiblity to find, retrieve, contextualize and interpret substantial quantities of medieval historical documents
Understanding of an ability to apply and practice principles of cooperative research to medieval history and the social and human sciences.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carlos Clamote Carreto, Catarina Tente, Filomena Andrade (UAberta)
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
COLOBRANS i DELGADO, J. - El doctorando organizado: la gestión del conocimiento aplicada a la
investigación. Zaragoza: Mira Editores. 2001
HODDER, I. y HUTSON, S. - Reading the Past. Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology. Blacwell Press. 2003.
HAINES, John - Medieval Song in Romance Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
LIZARAZO ARIAS,Diego - La Hermeneutica de las imágenes. Iconos. Figuraciones. Sueños. México: ¬¬Siglo XXI. 2004.
ORDUNA, Germán - Fundamentos de crítica textual- ed. de Leonardo Funes y José Manuel Lucía Megías, Madrid: Arco/libros 2005.
Teaching method
The teaching methods used in this seminar are based on the principles of the pedagogical model implemented at UAb for postgraduate studies, including:
1. Collaborative learning through the participation in asynchronous discussions and joint activities on the
issues being studied;
2. Individual research resulting in the production of essays and/or in a historiographical research work.
Evaluation method
Continuous assessment of doctoral students by weighting all participation activities in the seminar.
Subject matter
This seminar aims at providing the students with the necessary knowledge in research tools and resources, as well as in methodologies and techniques of analysis which are fundamental for any investigator in Medieval Studies.
Part I.
I. Skills and Techniques for Medieval Studies:
IT & Medieval Studies
Digital Humanities
Documents and thier critique: theory and practice
Part II. Research and Methodology
Research and Methodology- a difficult match.
\"Case Studies\"
Textual criticism
Literary criticism
Source Criticism
Prosopography& Demography