Metric Studies of Scientific Information
1. To place the evolution of metric studies in the context of Information Science;
2. To understand the present system of science communication and its agents;
3. To know the fundaments, techniques and applications of metric studies;
4. To understand and critically evaluate information sources and databases available for the metric analysis of different scientific areas;
5. Carefully apply bibliometric indicators to the analysis of production, dissemination and use of scientific knowledge;
6. To follow and evaluate alternative proposals for new indicators to measure science;
7. To empower to an expert analysis of national and international science policies;
8. To provide the necessary basis for planning and developing specialized information services on metric analysis of science.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
BORGMAN, C. L.; FURNER, J. (2002) Scholarly communication and bibliometrics. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 36 (3), p.272.
CRONIN, B. SUGIMOTO, C. R., eds. (2014) Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact. Cambridge: MIT. GINGRAS, Y. (2014) Les dérives de lévaluation de la recherche : Du bon usage de la bibliométrie. Paris: Raisons DAgir.
HICKS, D. et al. (2015) The Leiden Manifesto for research metrics. Nature. 520, p. 429431.
NICHOLAS, D. et al. (2015) New ways of building, showcasing, and measuring scholarly reputation. Learned Publishing. 28 (3), p. 169183. WOUTERS, P.; COSTAS, R. (2012) Users, narcissism and control tracking the impact of scholarly publications in the 21st century. Utrecht, The Netherlands: SURFfoundation, 2012.
ZULUETA GARCÍA, María Ángeles (2006) Bibliometría y métodos bibliométricos. In LÓPEZ YEPES, José (coord.) Manual de Ciencias de la Documentación. Madrid: Pirámide,
Teaching method
The seminar will be developed through classroom lectures, tutorials and independent student work. The classes will have a theoretical and practical nature, consisting of theoretical exposition of specific themes, concepts and vocabulary, followed by practical exercises, oral presentations and participated discussions. The calendar of classes and practical activities of the evaluation will be set, also distributing the set of required readings essentials to different tasks proposals. The tutorials will be geared towards promoting independent learning by students, while ensuring the custom monitoring of research work to discuss the plan, the theoretical framework and improving methodological choices.
Evaluation method
The evaluation will be weighted as follows: Written work of individual research (5000 words), with oral presentation (40%); presentation of texts (15%) and commentary (10%); critical analysis of a database/bibliometric indicator (25%); participation (10%).
Subject matter
1. Introduction
1.1. What is Science?
Historical, epistemological and sociological perspective
1.2. The current scholarly communication system
2. Fundamentals of metric studies
2.1. The affirmation of Bibliometrics: evolution and their contexts
2.1.1. The bibliometric laws
2.1.2. Bibliometry of the Webmetria
3. The bibliometric analysis
3.1. Scientific areas and their sources of information: document types and databases
3.2. The collection and processing of data
4. The bibliometric indicators
4.1. Production indicators
4.2. Circulation and dispersion indicators
4.3. Information usage indicators
4.4. Impact indicators
4.5. Collaboration indicators
4.6. List of indicators
5. Metrics alternatives (altmetrics)
5.1. The limits of metric studies
5.2. Proposals and evaluation of new indicators
6. Applications of metric studies
6.1. Research in Information Science: metric studies and domain analysis
6.2. Structure of science, evaluation and scientific policy