Art and Experience - 2nd semester
a) To acquire an understanding of the specificity of Aesthetics and its problems and its relation to the philosophy of art.
b) The acquire a clear understanding of the notion of aesthetic experience on the basis of the meaning the concepts of experience and aesthetic experience have acquired in the history of philosophy.
c) To acquire the capacity to problematize the meaning and significance of this notion for the interpretation of contemporary art.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Bartholomew Ryan
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
HARAWAY, Donna; Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Durham and London: Duke University Press 2016.
HEIDEGGER, Martin; Discourse on Thinking/Gelassenheit, trans. Anderson/Freund, New york: Harper Torchbooks, 1966.
JOYCE, James; Panaromas de Finnegans Wake, edição e tradução de Augusto e Haroldo de Campos, São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 2001.
KIERKEGAARD, Søren; The Lily in the Field and the Bird in the Air. Three Devotional Discourses, Without Authority, ed. and trans. by H. V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.
MORTEN, Timothy; -. The Ecological Thought, Cambridge, Harvard University Press 2012
Teaching method
(a) most classes are dialogued lectures, (b) several of them work as a \\"seminar\\" (with reading, commentary, and analyses of texts), (c) other classes (so-called \\"practical\\" classes) consist in critical discussions with the students of previously presented themes and problems.
Evaluation method
(d) students are evaluated by a mandatory 12 pages essay; (e) students are also evaluated by an oral presentation of their essay; (f) a positive participation in the classes is valued.
Subject matter
What is the ecological thought? Where do we encounter it in art and philosophy? Philosophy and art forms have something to tell us about the environment, because they can make us question reality. In this course, we explore a striking vision of ecological possibility/actuality in philosophy and art as a way of coexistence, critique and creativity on this damaged planet. We will navigate through eight themes that might embody a new way of thinking and living the ecological thought: 1) dark geographies 2) interpenetration, 3) spirit, 4) body, 5) multispecies storytelling, 6) technology, 7) chaosmos, and 8) slowness. We will analyse and interconnect subversive philosophers of modernity (Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Deleuze) with poets (Joyce, Pessoa, Drummond), musicians (Cage, The Loafing Heroes) and ecofeminists (Bennett, Haraway, Tsing) to wrench ourselves into the middle of life and into the possibility of a new vibrant radical cosmopolitanism. The course will also include guest speakers on the link between ecology and dance, cinema, and art installation-activism.
HARAWAY, Donna; Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene,
Durham and London: Duke University Press 2016.
HEIDEGGER, Martin; Discourse on Thinking/Gelassenheit, trans.Anderson/Freund, New york: Harper Torchbooks, 1966.
JOYCE, James; Panaromas de Finnegans Wake, edição e tradução de Augusto e
Haroldo de Campos, São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 2001.
KIERKEGAARD, Søren; The Lily in the Field and the Bird in the Air. Three Devotional Discourses, Without Authority, ed. and trans. by H. V. Hong
and Edna H. Hong, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.
MORTEN, Timothy; -. The Ecological Thought, Cambridge, Harvard University Press 2012