Contemporary Art Issues - 2nd semester


a) To identify philosophical questions presented and aroused by contemporary artistic creation and their articulation with the aesthetical and philosophical tradition.
b) To develop the capacity to relate the ‘art world’ with ‘extra-artisitc’ theoretical problems of contemporaneity.
c) To increase the capacity to discuss critically the aesthetical proposals of the last hundred years.
d) To develop written and oral formulation of aesthetic experience of contemporary art works and and its relation with theoretical problems.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria João Mayer Branco


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





ARISTOTE, L’homme de génie et la mélancholie. Problème XXX, 1 (traduction,
présentation et notes de J. Pigeaud), Éditions Payot et Rivages, Paris, 2006
BENJAMIN, Walter, A origem do drama trágico alemão, Assírio e Alvim, Lisboa,
2004 (edição e tradução de João Barrento)
FREUD, Sigmund, « Deuil et mélancholie » in : Métapsychologie, Gallimard, Paris,
2016, pp. 145-171
NIETZSCHE, Friedrich, A gaia ciência, Obras escolhidas de Nietzsche vol. III, Círculo
de Leitores, Lisboa, 1996 (tradução de Maria Helena R. de Carvalho, Maria Leopoldina
de Almeida e Maria Encarnação Casquinho)
RADDEN, Jennifer, The Nature of Melancholy: From Aristotle to Kristeva, Oxford
University Press, 2002

Teaching method

The two first sessions of the course will be devoted to a general introduction of the main topics of the syllabus and will have an expositive form. The next sessions will obey to a seminarial structure, with the reading and analysis of philosophical texts and their confrontation with a selection of passages written by artists. The students will be invited to identify and discuss the formulation of problems of contemporary artistic creation referring them to philosophical questions of our time that , in the subsequent sessions, they will find materialised in a selection of works of the Centro de Arte Moderna da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Evaluation method

The student´s evaluation will be made on the basis of a written paper of about 12 pages (70%) and of the participation on the discussion in class (30%).

Subject matter