Outline of Project in Anthropology - 1st semester


To help students write a draft version of research project to be completed in the second semester and evaluated in the end of the school year

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Cardeira Silva, Miguel Vale de Almeida (ISCTE-IUL)


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Admission to PhD programme with a preliminary version of research project


Crane, Julia G., & Michael V. Angrosino. 1992. Field Projects in Anthropology: A Student Handbook. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
Pzreworski, Adam & Frank Salomon. 1995. On the Art of Writing Proposals (Social Science Research Council (disponível online)
Silverman, Sydel. s.d. ?Writing Grant Proposals for Anthropological Research? for Wenner-Gren (disponível online)
Watts, Michael. s.d. \"The Holy Grail: In Pursuit of the Dissertation Proposal\" at UC Berkeley (disponível online)

Teaching method

M1 - The CU functions as an ongoing workshop
M2 - Students write and present several improved versions of the project, according to progress in the debates
M3 - Debates are collective and also involve 2nd year students
M4 - Progress along the semester is part of the evaluation
M5 - Final presentation of the project status at the end of the semester is part of the evaluation

Evaluation method

- Progress along the semester amounts to 50% of evaluation
- Final presentation of the project status at the end of the semester amounts to 50% of evaluation

Subject matter

S1 - Discussion of the projects submitted in the application to the doctoral Programme
S2 - Formulation of a new version of the projects following the teacher?s critique
S3 - Workshop on project deconstruction, counterfactuality, and alternative hypothesis
S4 - Elaboration of new version of the projects after the workshop
S5 - Exposure to 2nd year doctoral students, sharing of experiences following project implementation
S6 - Individual presentations of the projects and collective debate.


Programs where the course is taught: