Museum Planning and Programming - 1st semester
1. Using the concepts of plan, program, programming, design, cultural design, function of the museum, model management, network and system, applying them, and heritage museum in the universe, according to a specific case or context.
2. To characterize the methodological principles and the main phases of museum planning and programming , both from the perspective of the institutional space of the museum, or in its territory of intervention.
3. Identify key stakeholders in the planning and programming of an entity museum (creation or renewal), outlining the role of each stakeholder as a practical exercise in exploring the possibilities of intervention in the development process.
4. Shaping the programming process as enhancing the social function of the museum, through the use of its collection and/or collections using world references and the national ones.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Docente a definir
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Alexander, E. P. e Alexander, M. (2008). Museums in Motion. An Introduction to the History and Functions of Museums, 2ª ed., Lanham-New York-Toronto-Plymouth, UK, AltaMira Press.
Cândido, M. M. D. (2014). Orientações para Gestão e Planejamento de Museus. Florianópolis: FCC.
Chaumier, S. (2018). Altermuséologie. Manifeste expologique sur les tendances et le devenir de lexposition. Paris: Hermann.
Eidelman, J. (dir.). (2017). Inventer des musées pour demain, Rapport de la mission musées XXIe siècle, Paris : La documentation Française.
Lord, B. e Piacente, M.(2014). The Manual of Museum Exhibitions, 2ª ed. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Lord, G. D. e Lord, B. (Ed.). (2001). The Manual of Museum Planning. 2ª ed.. [1ª ed. 1999]. Oxford: AltaMira Press.
Lord, G. D. e Market, K. (2007). The manual of strategic planning for museums. Nova Iorque: AltaMira Pres.
Simon, N.(2010). The Participatory Museum. Santa Cruz, California: Museum 2.0.
Teaching method
Part of the classes will consist of lectures by teachers and students, according to the work plan and assessment. Several sessions, theoretical and practical, are intended for the presentation of work developed by students and their critical contributions. Visits will be made, thematically integrated into the syllabus.
Evaluation method
The following are evaluated: attendance and general participation (25%); the elaboration of a critical review within the seminar´s bibliography (25%); the presentation of a diagnosis to a museum entity or project in a planning and programming aspect (25%) and the elaboration of a resulting written work that develops the conclusions of the diagnosis (25%).
Subject matter
1 | Brief background and contextualization of museum programming in the history of museums and contemporary museological practices.
2 | Programming museum, the legal framework of their accreditation and museums in Portugal.
3 | Experiences and examples of planning and (re) programming of the museum.
4 | Bibliography, concepts and methodological principles of planning and programming of the museum.
5 | Methodology (s) and method (s) of museum planning and programming.
5.1 | Design, plan, research and development team.
5.2 | Diagnosis - analysis and evaluation of the entity museum.
5.3 | Identity and purpose (establishing or renewing) the entity museum.
5.4 | Design and drafting programs, articulation and interconnection.
5.4.1 | Program institutional regulation and management model of the museum.
5.4.2 Program of collections (acquis) and mergers policy.
5.4.3 Program of architecture and functional organization.
5.4.4 | expository communication program.