Patrimony Management and Law - 1st semester


a) Understand the historicity of the concept of heritage in an international context and in the Portuguese case.
b) Know the organization of public administration in the field of built heritage and the role of IPPAR.
c) Know the classification system of monuments.
d) reflect critically on specific cases of intervention in the built heritage, discussing the concepts of restoration.
e) Understand the importance of archeology to safeguard policies of the built heritage.
f) To contextualize the issues of the built heritage in the problems of the city and the historical and
contemporary urbanism as disciplinary domain.
g) To learn fundamental aspects of the legal system of cultural heritage
h) Describe and articulate general principles of cultural heritage law.
i) Understand the legal arrangements for the protection and recovery of cultural property.
j) To learn fundamental aspects of the legal regime of the museums

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Docente a definir


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





BRANDI Cesare – Teoria do Restauro. Edições Orion, 2006
IPPAR – Balanço e Perspectivas: 200-2006. Lisboa: IPPAR, 2000.
POMMEREHNE, Walter; FREY, Bruno – La Culture a-t-elle unprix? Essai sur léconomie de l’art. Paris: Plon, 1993.
Miranda, Jorge; Claro, João Martins; Almeida, Marta Tavares (ccord.) – Direito do Património Cultural. Oeiras: INA, 1996
Claro, João Martins – Elementos de estudo do Direito do Património Cultural (4 volumes policopiados). Lisboa, 2005.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical; presentation of topics and readings by students, individually or in groups

Evaluation method

Alternatively, the students carry an Exam (80%)
or work on curricular theme (80%)
a critical review (20%)

Subject matter

Economy and Culture
The absence of economic value of art to economism
Heritage and cultural policy
Heritage History: fundamentals of preservation; interest individual / collective consciousness
Public policy support for Heritage - the prevalence of misconceptions: heritage support / support for artistic creation
Ministry of Culture
Historic heritage management
Concept of heritage: historical analysis, the Portuguese case, the new state to the present.
Organization for Public Administration: the role of IPPAR; heritage church
New policy asset: new wealth, new challenges; safeguard: issues of classification
Interventions in Heritage: restoration and upgrading, criteria and methodologies; restoration as a discipline; importance of archeology. City, town planning and heritage.
Financial resources: investment; ordinary activities
Heritage Management: conservation, public enjoyment and appreciation; specificities and importance of


Programs where the course is taught: