Iconography for Conservation


This UC aims to inform the student of what is meant by Iconography and what are the benefits resulting from the use of this tool in the analysis and study of a work of art. The purpose of the UC is therefore to provide the student with assembled knowledge that will allow him to have an iconographic approach appropriate to the object of study. At the end of this curricular unit the student will have acquired skills that allow him to: identify a profane theme and a sacred theme; recognize the main characters of each of the themes in the Program; analyze iconographically a work of art individually, as well as framing it in its specific universe; work with different sources, namely artistic and literary; apply their knowledge to the context of work in different working environments, including in cultural, religious, academic and / or scientific institutions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Agnés Anne Françoise Le Gac Arinto, Catarina Paula Oliveira de Mattos Villamariz


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon



- ALMEIDA, A Anunciação na Arte Medieval, 1983

- ___, O Presépio, 1983

- BOLVIG, History and Images,  2003

- CASTIÑERAS GONZÁLEZ, Introducción al Método Iconográfico, 1998

- COMMELIN, Mitologia Grega e Romana, 2000

- DERBES, Picturing the passion, 1996

- FUMAROLI, La Mythologie Gréco-Latine, 2004

- GUARINO, Mitologia Clássica,  2000

- HAMILTON, A Mitologia,  2004

- KESSLER,  Spiritual Seeing, 2000

- LUCAS, Hagiografia Medieval Portuguesa, 1984

- MÂLE, L’Art Religieux de la Fin du Moyen Âge, 1925

- MARTINS, «Os santos protectores à luz da hagiologia», in Museu, IVª, 2000

- MORILLAS, Los Dioses del Olimpo, 1998

- PANOFSKY, Estudos de Iconologia, 1995

- ___, O Significado nas Artes Visuais, 1989

- SCHNEIDER, El Arte del Retrato, 1999

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1. Introduction

   1.1 Iconography and Iconology: Origin and definition of concepts
   1.2 Erwin Panofsky: contributions to the study of iconography

2. Iconography of Pre-Classical Civilizations

   2.1. Some notes on Egypt and Mesopotamia
   2.2. Sources for the iconography of Pre-Classical Mythology: the History of Art; The Book of the Dead; The Epic    of Gilgamesh.

3. Iconography of Greco-Roman Mythology

   3.1. The gods
   3.2. Heroes and legends
   3.3. Sources for the iconography of Classical Mythology: the History of Art; Homer, Virgil and Ovid.

4. Christian Iconography: The Old Testament

   4.1. The iconography of the Creation
   4.2. Patriarchs, Temples, and Idols
   4.3. Sources for Old Testament iconography: The History of Art; The Bible.

5. Christian Iconography: The New Testament

   5.1. Iconography of Christ: From the Cycle of Childhoodto the Cycle of Glory
   5.2. The Iconography of Mary
   5.3. Sources for New Testament iconography: The History of Art; The New Testament; The Apocryphal Gospels.

6. Christian Iconography: Saints

   6.1. Most Important Saints
   6.2. The particular case of St. Magdalene
   6.3. Sources for the iconography of the Saints: the History of Art; hagiographies; The Golden Legend.