Thesis Project (EG)
The course Thesis Project intends to prepare the student for research leading to the award of the degree of PhD, particularly for the literature review, to establish a working methodology, to formulate the objectives of the work, to establish the necessary contacts, and to program the chronological development of the thesis in subsequent years. At the end of this unit, the doctoral student should have acquired in-depth knowledge of the state of the art in the research area he chosen, and be able to identify problems that he consider more challenging and / or promising and that will be researched during the preparation of his thesis. Within this unit, the PhD student can attend short courses to complement the formation he gained until then. Among these, one must emphasize the NOVA Doctoral School courses (e.g. Communication in Science).
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José António de Almeida
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 14
Teaching language
The list of scientific papers, books and other relevant literary sources varies with the specific scientific field and ongoing research topic.
Teaching method
The supervisor (and co-supervisor, if any) must oversee the PhD student on identifying the most relevant issues and any knowledge gaps that may exist. For this purpose, individual working sessions should be scheduled. At the end of the unit, the PhD student should write a document, the "Thesis Project" which must include, among other things, a description of the problem(s) to be solved, the explanation of the objectives pursued, the description of state of the art, the techniques and methodologies to be implemented, and the expected results, and structure a timeline with expected indicators.
Evaluation method
The PhD student will be evaluated during a oral and public presentation of the document by the Thesis Monitoring Committee (CAT). In turn, the CAT is expected to produce a written report on the "Thesis Project", pointing out adjustments and improvements deemed necessary.
Subject matter
The syllabus will depend on the research topic chosen by the PhD student, but will consist of the study of those aspects considered relevant for the topic under research for the thesis, including a survey on the state of the art and the timeline of the work to be carried out during the PhD research. He should also develop knowledge on the different scientific methods and technological approaches to may be implemented during the research work.