Thesis in Geology Engineering


The PhD student should deepen his scientific knowledge in the fields of Geological Engineering in the framework of his study plan. He should be able to apply engineering tools in problem solving, acquiring skills in the ability to formulate new questions to conduct his research independently, to propose solutions and to validate the approaches and solutions proposed. The PhD student must also develop his scientific communication skills in written and oral form.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José António de Almeida


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 70

Teaching language



Finish the thesis project.


The list of scientific papers, books and other relevant literary sources varies with the specific scientific field and ongoing research topic.

Teaching method

The PhD student is expected to produce annual progress reports to be presented before his Thesis Monitoring Committee, comprising the head of the Doctoral Program, the supervisor(s) and at least two researchers expert in the research topic. The evaluation of the thesis is carried out by a jury of recognized merit in the area of knowledge of the presented thesis.

Evaluation method

The PhD student is expected to produce annual progress reports to be presented before his Thesis Monitoring Committee, comprising the head of the Doctoral Program, the supervisor(s) and at least two researchers expert in the research topic. The evaluation of the thesis is carried out by a jury of recognized merit in the area of knowledge of the presented thesis.

Subject matter

Under "Thesis", the PhD student should carry out a research project on a topic linked to Geological Engineering (GE). The student will develop its research work using appropriate methods and techniques that will result in an original contribution, enabling to knowledge advance and formulation of new hypotheses. The PhD student should develop his work autonomously, according to the Thesis Project previously endorsed, and guiding support of supervisor (and co-supervisor, if any) and follow-up of the Thesis Monitoring Commission. The specific syllabus will be variable, depending on the concrete theme chosen for the research. During this period, the PhD student should produce scientific papers to be published in scientific journals and specialty conferences, which will be completed with writing a doctoral thesis that integrates the research work carried out, the results achieved and their necessary discussion.


Programs where the course is taught: